Anti-Hughes groups; supplementary materials
This web page gives access to supplementary materials for the paper On counterexamples to the Hughes conjecture written by George Havas and Michael Vaughan-Lee, Journal of Algebra 322 (2009) 791-801. We provide Magma programs for computing anti-Hughes groups and their outputs. Use of these programs is documented in the paper.

Programs with names p7g2*.m compute 2-generator anti-Hughes 7-groups, while those with names p5g3*.m compute 3-generator anti-Hughes 5-groups. Before running these programs appropriate sets of testwords must be provided. They are available as data files tw* and many of them may be computed using programs gettestw*.m

Magma programs
Magma programs and outputs in this directory follow. Program files are *.m and their stdout files are *.l
gettestwords.m gettestwords.l twB27c8 twB35c5
p7g2r1075.m p7g2r1075.l
p5g3r917.m p5g3r917.l
p7exp.m p7exp.l
p7g2mo.m p7g2mo.l
gettestwq.m gettestwq.l twB35c5mo441 twB35c5q twB35c5qmo441 twB27c8q
p7g2qmo.m p7g2qmo.l
p7g2q6.m p7g2q6.l
p7g2q11mo.m tw7.m p7g2q11mo.l
p5g3mo.m p5g3mo.l
p5g3q.m p5g3q.l
p5g3qmo.m p5g3qmo.l
p5g3q8mo.m p5g3q8mo.l
wallcl9.m wallcl9.l

Oxford mirror

Last updated: 5 March 2014