Emeritus Professor  Jadwiga Indulska


Contact details:


School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

The University of Queensland,

Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia

Location: Room 604, General Purpose South

E-mail: jaga@itee.uq.edu.au

Research interests:

pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing,

mobile computing, distributed computing,

communication protocols, wireless networks

Member of the Ubiquitous Computing Group


Google Scholar profile










Research Leader of the DSTC project on Pervasive Autonomic Context-aware Environments (past project)




Research Leader in National ICT Australia in the past (context-aware, autonomic networks)













General Co-Chair of UIC'09ATC'09 and ICON'99








General Chair of  PerCom'13, San Diego March 2013 




Program Chair of  MDM'14, Brisbane, July 2014, PerCom'11, Seattle, March, 2011, EUC'10, Hong Kong, December 2010, Pervasive'08, Sydney, May 2008, DAIS'07, Paphos, Cyprus,  June, 2007, UIC'07, Hong Kong,  July, 2007, ICON'99, Brisbane, September, 1999.


Vice-Program Chair of PerCom'06, Pisa, Italy, March 2006


Co-Chair of CoMoRea'06, Pisa, Italy, March 2006, CoMoRea'07, New York, March 2007, CoMoRea'08, Hong Kong, March 2008, CoMoRea'09, Galvestone, March 2009, CoMoRea'10, Mannheim, March 2010, MiSS'08, Sydney, December 2008, MiSS'09, Melbourne, December 2009, ACMRM'04, Nottingham, UK, Sep 2004


Member of Conference Program Committees in 2004-2014:

MDM’04, ICON'04, MDDS’04, ICOST'04, RM’04, ATNAC’04, LoCa'05, PerCom'05, ICOST'05, CAPMI'05, SELMAS'05, DAIS'05,  MDDS'05, CoopNet'05, ARM'05, UISW'05, CoMoRea'06, PCAC'06, VTC Spring'06, DAIS'06, ICOST'06, MobiQuitous'06, ICON'06, ICISIP'06, ICDCIT’06, LOCARE'06, PerCom'07, MUE'07, CoMoRea'07, MDC'07, VTC Spring'07, UbiSafe'07, DAIS'07, PCAC'07, MUCS'07, LoCA'07, ICPADS'07, ICON'07, MASS-GHS'07, ATNAC'07, MiSS’07, ARM’07, M2NM07, PerCom'08, MUE'08, CoMoRea'08, MUE’08, DAIS’08, ARCS’08, ICOST’08, Mobiquitous’08, EUC’08, CCNC’09, PerCom’09, CoMoRea'09, Ubicomp'09, DAIS'09, CCNC'10, PerCom'10, CoMoRea'10, DAIS'10, SUTC'10, DAIS'11, ISWPC'11, ICCCN'11, COMSWARE'11, CoMoRea'11, PerCom'12, DAIS'12, CoMoRea'12, PECCS'13, CoMoRea'13, MoMM'13, ATC'13, ACOMORE'14, PECCS'14




Past research students:

Jiahui Wen (PhD), Mingyang Zhong (PhD) Ranjana Pathak (PhD), Shivanajay Marwaha (PhD), Johnson Fong (PhD), Wei Yin (PhD), Peizhao Hu (PhD), Bob Hardian (PhD), Ryan Wishart (PhD), Myilone Anandarajah (MPhil), Ricky Robinson (PhD), Qiang Fu (PhD), Sasitharan Balasubramaniam (PhD), Karen Henricksen (PhD), Nicole Dunlop (PhD),  Nic Williams (PhD), Bruce McClure (MPhil),  Matthew Gallagher (PhD), Wayne Brookes (PhD), Gouping Zhang (PhD)






       Recent Publications (1997-2012)