Australian Pattern Recognition Society, APRS

BGM meeting


Date and time: Wednesday 3 December 2007, 5:00 pm.

Venue: Stamford Grand Hotel, Glenelg, Adelaide, SA.



  1. Minutes of last meeting.

·         The President, Sebastien Ourselin, has moved out of Australia. Meeting was chaired by Vice President: Murk Bottema.

·         Minutes of the last meeting were distributed.

Motion to accept the minutes: Anthony Maeder, Seconded: Tony Adriaansen. Carried.


  1. State branches:

·         No state branches currently exist. All accounts have been moved to the national account.


  1. President’s Report.

None was available.

Murk initiated discussions, summary below:

  • Timing and scope of future DICTA conferences:
  • Timing of the conference is to be kept between the end of Semester 2 and before Christmas.
  • Should DICTA return to a yearly cycle? In support: a 2-yearly cycle may cause problems in claiming the time spot of the conference. Against the idea: Some academics may prefer to attend other conferences during the same time slot, every other year.
  • Brian commented on the need for increased activities. Also financial support obtained for the 2007 conference from DSTO can be sustained to support yearly conferences.
  • The current off year was used for a more specialized workshop. However, there is a reduction in the number of attendees.
  • A yearly conference may encourage more international participation.
  • Funding may be easier to sustain for a yearly event.
  • Consider increasing the poster sessions.


Motion to make DICTA a yearly conference. Moved: Brian Lovell, Seconded: Andrew Bradley. Motion carried.


·         Conference name: there was a suggestion of changing the conference name to: Digital Information Processing Techniques. After some discussions, this was not supported.


  1. Tenure of Executive Committee membership:


·         It was agreed that this remains as is, 2-years.


  1. Mailing list for promoting DICTA:
    • Form a small committee to find out the names of colleagues who can help make DICTA more known.
    • Within Australia, DICTA should have better visibility. This is to be further addressed with the new Executive committee.


  1. Treasurer’s report:

·         Report was presented by the treasurer, Tony Adriaansen.

·         Motion to accept the report. Mover: Brian Lovell, Seconded: Nick Redding. Carried.


  1. DICTA 2007

·         Number of delegates: 107

·         Number of accepted papers: 88

·         Rejection rate: 17%

·         Full report to be received after the conference.


  1. DICTA conferences in 2008 and 2009


·         A bid for DICTA 2008 to be held in Canberra is to be received from Antonio Robles-Kelly by mid-January 2008.

·         A bid for DICTA 2009 to be held in Melbourne is to be received from Antonio by mid-January 2009.

·         Murk to send copies of his bid to the new bidders to assist them in preparing their bids.


  1. Election of the new Committee:


·         Motion to elect Murk Murk Bottema as the new President: Moved: Brian. Seconded Anthony Maeder. Carried.

·         Motion to elect Andrew Bradley as Vice President: Moved: Anthony Maeder. Seconded: Tony Adriaansen. Carried

·         Motion for Wageeh Boles to continue as Secretary. Moved: Nick Ridding. Seconded: Anthony Maeder. Carried.

·         Motion for Tony Adriaansen to continue as Treasurer. Moved: Murk Bottema. Seconded: Brian Lovell. Carried.

·         Members at Large: Anthony Maeder and Brian Lovell.


  1. Other business:

New signatories on the APRS account. Treasurer to arrange. Secretary to provide final minutes.



Meeting closed at 6:15pm.