
This is a HTML rendering of qlexamples.qlg that is close to what you would see if using emacs with the .qlg mode or by using the supplied quled editor.

%% Copyright (C) 2014 Keith Clark, Peter Robinson
%% Email: klc@doc.ic.ac.uk, pjr@itee.uq.edu.au
%% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
%% (at your option) any later version.
%% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%% GNU General Public License for more details.
%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

% A % to end-of-line is a comment
% Declarations and definitions can be given in any order but with the proviso
% that the rules of a definition must be contiguous.
% A terminating . is optional but each rule and clause must 
% start at left end of  a new line and a continuation over several lines
% must  indent all but the first line in from left end by at least 
% one space or tab.  An idea borrowed from Python. 

% Best to load this file into emacs (with the qlg mode enabled) or use quled
% to get syntax highlighting and auto-intentation on TAB

% Data base style relations and finite sets of atomic values as types
% For these types sub-type relation is subset relation.

% disjunction of atoms - enumerated type
def gender ::=  male | female 
% gender is a sub-type of atom, atomic and term

% ranges of integers - range types
def age_val ::= 0 .. 110           
def digit ::= 0 .. 9           
% digit  is a sub-type of age_val, a sub-type of int, hence num, hence term

%% This example shows how to use union types to get the effect of overlapping
%% enumeration types - so range1 is effectively 0..20 and range2 is 
%% effectively -10..9 without breaking the constraints on enumerated types
%% (each number in these ranges have a unique minimal type)

def range12 ::= 10..20
def range21 ::= -10..-1
def range1 == digit || range12
def range2 == range21 || digit

% simple relations with type declarations. If none given type term is 
% assumed for every argument. 

def man ::= roger | tom | bill | alan | graham | keith | sam | fred
"The allowed men in the application"
def woman ::= june | mary | rose | penny | sue | helen | veronica
"The allowed women in the application"

% implicitly also facts man(roger) .... woman(june)...
% restricts allowed names that can be used for men and women

% disjunction of types - union type
def human == man || woman
% man and woman are both sub-types of human, which is a 
% sub-type of atomic and of term 

%%% try:  isa(H,human).

dyn age_of(H:human,A:age_val)   
"H is a human, A is an age number"
% type check effectively checks for spelling errors in names and invalid age values

%%% sample queries

%%% P :: age_of(P,A) & A>39.
%%% 2 of P :: age_of(P,A) & A>39.
%%% exists A age_of(P,A) & A>39.

% defined person relation
rel person(?human,?gender,?age_val)     % all args can be given or not in a call
person(H,male,A) <= isa(H,man) & age_of(H,A)
person(H,female,A) <= isa(H,woman) & age_of(H,A)

% <= is like :- in Prolog
% & is  conjunc

rel father(?man, ?human)
father(F, C) <= isa(F, man) & child_of(F, C)

% child facts
dyn child_of(human,human)

rel descendant_is(!human,?human)       
% first arg (an ancestor) must be given 
descendant_is(P,C) <= child_of(C,P)
descendant_is(A,D) <= child_of(C,A) & descendant_is(C,D)

rel ancestor_is(!human, ?human)     
% first arg (a descendant) must be given 
ancestor_is(C,P) <= child_of(C,P)
ancestor_is(D,A) <= child_of(D,P) & descendant_is(P,A)

% in above we have different order of body conds for different uses. 

rel has_a_child(?human)
has_a_child(P) <=
    isa(P,human) &
    % for calls to find such a P generate in turn names of humans
    % if the mode was has_a_child(!human) then we would only be
    % checking and so the above call would not be needed
% Then check, once only, if they have a child

fun age(human) -> age_val
age(P) :: age_of(P,A) -> A
age(_) -> 0
% 0 is used as the default age if none is recorded
rel only_has_adult_children(?human)
only_has_adult_children(P) <=  
    child_of(_,P) & 
    % This will generate the names of humans who have a least one child
    % or check that a given human has at least one child
    forall C ( 
            child_of(C,P) => 
                exists A ( 
                        age_of(C,A) & 
            % The forall checks that each child of P is over 20 years old

rel only_has_adult_children2(?human)
only_has_adult_children2(P) <=  
    has_a_child(P) & 
    % This will generate one at a time all humans with at least one child 
    forall C ( 
            child_of(C,P) => 
                exists A ( 
                        age_of(C,A) & 

rel only_has_adult_children3(?human)
only_has_adult_children3(P) <=  
    has_a_child(P) & 
    % This will generate one at a time all humans with at least one child 
    forall C ( 
            child_of(C,P) => age(C) > 20

rel childless(?human)
childless(P) <=
    isa(P, human) &
    not child_of(_,P) 

rel has_no_siblings(?human)
has_no_siblings(P) <=
    isa(P, human) &
    not exists Parent, Sibling 
               (child_of(P, Parent) & 
                child_of(Sibling, Parent) &
                P \= Sibling)

rel children_are(?human,?set((age_val,human)))
children_are(P, Cs) <= 
    isa(P,human) & Cs = {(A,C) :: child_of(C,P) & age_of(C,A)}
% :: is read as "such that"

fun num_children(human) -> nat      
num_children(P) ->  #{C :: child_of(C,P)}

% In example below first arg is a list any terms (the most inclusive type) 
% and to make the program type correct we need to restrict the second clause 
% to only be used when N is of type num. 
% Note that if the test between the :: and <= succeeds then we 
% commit to that clause
% so Head :: Test <= Body   is like   Head :- Test, !, Body    in Prolog
% cut, disjunction, if-then-else not supported in QuLog

% !list(term) is list of any terms that must be given as ground value

rel add_nums_of_list_of_any_term(!list(term), ?num)
add_nums_of_list_of_any_term([N | Rest], Total)  :: type(N,num) <=
        add_nums_of_list_of_any_term(Rest, RTotal) &
        Total = RTotal+N
add_nums_of_list_of_any_term([ _Any | Rest], Total) <=
    add_nums_of_list_of_any_term(Rest, Total)
% we must have the type test in 2nd clause else type error raised 
% at  RTotal+N

def record(T) ::= rec(atom, T)     % A simple parameterised constructor type

% A constuctor type - all alternatives must be 'structs'
% T a type variable so type is polymorphic and recursive

def tree(T) ::= empty() | tr(tree(T),T,tree(T))

% int_tree is a type macro
def int_tree == tree(int)  % can specialise poly type 

% The !tree(T) means the tree of any element type T must be given 
% as a ground value

rel on_tree(?T,!tree(T))    % a polymorphic relation
on_tree(E,tr(Left,_,_)) <=
on_tree(E,tr(_,_,Right)) <= 

%% An alternative tree that contain values at nodes (of type N)
%% as well as values in leaves (of type L)
def tree2(N,L) ::=  
        leaf(L) | none() | node(tree2(N,L), N, tree2(N,L))

def tree_val(N, L) ::= lf(L) | nd(N)
rel on_tree2(?tree_val(N, L), !tree2(N, L))
on_tree2(lf(V), leaf(V))
on_tree2(nd(V), node(_, V, _))
on_tree2(V, node(Left, _, _)) <= on_tree2(V, Left)
on_tree2(V, node(_, _, Right)) <= on_tree2(V, Right)

rel tree_to_tree2(!tree(T), ?tree2(T, T)),  
    tree_to_tree2(?tree(T), !tree2(T, T))
tree_to_tree2(empty(), none())
tree_to_tree2(tr(empty(), V, empty()), leaf(V)) :: true
%%using :: true to stop backtracking to next rule
tree_to_tree2(tr(L, V, R), node(L2, V, R2)) <=
    tree_to_tree2(L, L2) &
    tree_to_tree2(R, R2)

%% Lists and sets are primitive parameterised types. 

rel app(!list(!T), !list(!T), ?list(?T)),
    app(?list(?T), ?list(?T), !list(!T)),
    app(!list(??T), !list(??T), ?list(??T)),
    app(?list(??T), ?list(??T), !list(??T)),
    app(??list(??T), ??list(??T), ??list(??T))

app([U|L1], L2, [U|L3]) <= app(L1,L2,L3)

% app([X,2],[6,8,..L1],[1,V,W,..L2]).

% Simple function defs
% ************************

fun fact(N:nat) -> nat 
"Returns the factorial of N"
fact(0) -> 1
fact(N) :: N1 = N-1 & type(N1,nat) -> N*fact(N1)
% Cannot define as 
% fact(N) :: N>0 -> N*fact(N-1) 
% as type checker cannot infer that N-1 is a natural number
% runtime type check type(N,nat) ensures this is the case, so type check ok

fun order(list(T)) -> list(T)
order(L) -> tolist(toset(L))

% toset function converts the list to a set, 
% tolist converts the set to an ordered list

%%% EG  X = order([4,-7,8,2,3,-7]).

fun tree2list(tree(T)) -> list(T)
tree2list(empty()) -> []
tree2list(tr(LT, V, RT)) -> tree2list(LT) <> [V] <> tree2list(RT)

fun list2tree(list(int)) -> tree(int)
list2tree([]) -> empty()
list2tree([H|T]) -> add2tree(H, list2tree(T))

fun add2tree(TT, tree(TT)) -> tree(TT)
add2tree(T, empty()) -> tr(empty(), T, empty())
add2tree(T, tr(L, V, R)) :: T @< V -> tr(add2tree(T, L), V, R)    
add2tree(T, tr(L, V, R)) -> tr(L, V, add2tree(T, R))  

% <> a built in function for appending ground lists, can be used to split in a pattern

fun last(list(T)) -> T
last(L) :: L =? _<>[E] -> E

% Recursive representation of data
% **********************************
% a different representation of a person as a nested data structure
% containing all their descendants - not practical

def personTree ::= 
        malep(atom,age_val,list(personTree)) | femalep(atom,age_val,list(personTree))

dyn a_person(personTree)
a_person( malep( roger,60, [ malep(tom,26,[]), femalep(june,23,[]) ] ) )

rel child_is(!personTree,?personTree)
child_is(malep(_,_,Children), Child) <= Child in Children
child_is(femalep(_,_,Children), Child ) <=  Child in Children


% String and list processing examples

rel sepchar(?string) 
"Word separator"
sepchar(" ")

rel endchar(C : ?string)  
"C is a sentence terminator"

rel symbolchar(?string)
symbolchar(C) <= sepchar(C)
symbolchar(C) <= endchar(C)
%%% No disjunction in QuLog

rel spaces(!string), wordchar(!string)    % test only defs

spaces(S) <=
    #S>0 & forall Ch (Ch in S => Ch=" ")

wordchar(S) <=  #S = 1 & not symbolchar(S)

rel word(!string), seps(!string)

word(S) <=
    #S>0 & forall Ch (Ch in S => wordchar(Ch))

seps(Seps) <=
    #Seps>0 & forall Ch (Ch in Seps => sepchar(Ch))

rel words(!string,?list(string))
words(Str,[WStr]) :: Str =? WStr::word(WStr) ++ E::endchar(E)
words(Str,[W|Words]) :: 
    Str =? W::word(W)++Seps::seps(Seps)++RStr::words(RStr,Words) 

% Try:
%%% Ws :: words("hello keith,     how are   you today?",Ws).
%%%  Ws :: words("a jolly, fat     boy likes the sly, brown fox.",Ws).

%% This version uses the regular expressions 
%% "\\w*", "[.?!]" and "([,;:]?\\s+)|(\\s+)"
%% as part of the test on strings.
%% Note that the above version uses backtracking to find matches and can 
%% therefore potentially find more that one way to split up a list.
%% REs only match once and so in this example no backtracking is used.
rel words2(string, ?list(string))
words2(Str,[WStr]) :: Str  =? WStr/"\\w*" ++ _End/"[.?!]"    
words2(Str,[W|Words]) :: 
    Str =? 
        W/"\\w*" ++ 
        _Seps/"([,;:]?\\s+)|(\\s+)" ++ 

%%% Ws :: words2("hello keith;     how are   you today?",Ws).
%%%  Ws :: words2("a jolly, fat     boy likes the sly, brown fox!",Ws).

% Same sort of thing but with lists, use <> on right hand side of =? spits lists

rel splitsAroundElement(!list(T), !T, ?list(T), ?list(T))
splitsAroundElement(L,E,OL1,OL2) <=
    L =?  OL1 <>  [E] <>  OL2 

rel split_on_ordered_pair(!list(num), ?list(num), ?num, ?num, ?list(num))
split_on_ordered_pair(Lst, LeftLst, V1, V2, RightLst) <=
    Lst =? LeftLst <> [V1, V2] :: (V1 < V2) <> RightLst

%%%% Non-parameterised recursive types, parse tree type for simple statements

def parse_tree ::= s(noun_phrase_tree,verb_phrase_tree) | parse_error()

%% DCG Rule:  a_parse_tree(s(NPT,VP)) --> a_noun_phrase_tree(NPT), a_verb_phrase_tree(VPT). 

def noun_phrase_tree::= np(article,noun_exp_tree) 

%% DCG Rule: a_noun_phrase_tree(np(Art,NET)) --> a_article(A), a_noun_exp_tree(NET)

def noun_exp_tree::= ne(adjective,noun_exp_tree) | n(noun)
%% DCG Rules: a_noun_exp_tree(ne(Adj,NET)) --> an_adjective(Adj), a_noun_exp_tree(NET)
%%                    a_noun_exp_tree(n(N)) --> a_noun(N)

def verb_phrase_tree ::= 
        vp(verb,noun_phrase_tree) | 
        v(verb) | 
        ndescr(complement,noun_phrase_tree) | 

def noun::= "boy" | "fox" | "girl" | "ball" | "man" | "woman" | "lady"

%% DCG Rules: a_noun(N) --> [N], type(N,noun).
%% or               a_noun(N) --> [N], isa(N,noun).
%% if we want to generate legal  sentences using the grammar. 

def adjective ::= "fat" | "jolly" | "red" | "sly" | "brown" | "tall" | 
        "female" | "male"

def verb ::= "runs" | "jumps" | "kicks" | "likes" | "sings"

def complement ::= "is" | "are" | "were" | "was"

def article ::= "the" | "a" | "an" | "some" | "all" | "every"

def dword == noun || adjective || verb || complement || article

%%%% Intention %%%
% Intention is to have two options for use of a type description of a parse tree
% 1: a primitive  parse(!atom,?type,!list(term),?list(term)) where the atom 
%    arg is the name of a parse tree type, such as noun_phrase_tree.  A call 
%    parse(TypeName,Tree,[T1,..,Tn,T'1,...,T'k], R) will check if [T1,..,Tn]
%    are the leaf terms on a parse tree of the type indicated by the atom 
%    TypeName, and if so bind, Tree to this parse tree, and R to [T'1,...,T'k].
%    It will do this by interpretively walking over the type definitions.
% 2: Generate the DCG as indicated by the comments above and from this 
%    generate the difference list clauses that are a compilation of what the 
%    parse primitive does. These will be:

rel a_parse_tree(?parse_tree, !list(string), ?list(string))
a_parse_tree( s(NP,VP), A, C) <= 
    a_noun_phrase_tree(NP, A, B) & a_verb_phrase_tree(VP, B, C)

rel a_noun_phrase_tree(?noun_phrase_tree, !list(string), ?list(string))
a_noun_phrase_tree(np(Ar,NE), A, C) <=
    A = [Ar1,..B] &  type(Ar1,article) & Ar = Ar1 & a_noun_exp_tree(NE, B, C)

rel a_noun_exp_tree(?noun_exp_tree, !list(string), ?list(string))
a_noun_exp_tree(ne(Adj,NE), A, C) <=
    A = [Adj1,..B] &  type(Adj1,adjective) &  Adj = Adj1 & 
    a_noun_exp_tree(NE, B, C)
a_noun_exp_tree(n(N), A, B) <=
    A = [N1,..B] & type(N1,noun) & N = N1

rel a_verb_phrase_tree(?verb_phrase_tree, !list(string), ?list(string))
a_verb_phrase_tree(vp(V,NP), A, C) <=
    A = [V1,..B] & type(V1,verb) &  V = V1 & a_noun_phrase_tree(NP, B, C)
a_verb_phrase_tree(v(V), A, B) <=
    A =  [V1,..B] & type(V1,verb) & V = V1
a_verb_phrase_tree(ndescr(V,NP), A, C) <=
    A = [V1,..B] & type(V1,complement) &  V = V1 & a_noun_phrase_tree(NP, B, C)
a_verb_phrase_tree(adescr(V,Adj), A, C) <=
    A = [V1,..B] & type(V1,complement) &  V = V1 & B = [Adj1,..C] & 
    type(Adj1,adjective) & Adj = Adj1 

% ****************************
%%% parse function - no error reports

fun parseS(string) -> parse_tree
parseS(Str) :: words(Str,Ws) & a_parse_tree(PT,Ws,[])  -> PT
parseS(_) -> parse_error()

%%%% PT = parseS("a jolly, fat     boy likes the sly, brown fox.").
%%%% PT = parseS("the fat lady sings!").

% Higher order functions

fun mapF((fun(T1) -> T2), list(T1)) -> list(T2)
mapF(_F, []) -> []
mapF(F, [H|T]) -> [F(H)|mapF(F, T)]

% mapF(number_of_children,[roger,mary,bill]) gives [2,1,1] as value

% ! ((!rel(!T1,T2)) says first arg is a relation over T1,T2 pairs and 
% can be such that
% its first arg must be given and this relation must be given in any call

rel mapR(!rel(!T1,?T2), !list(T1), ?list(T2))
mapR(_R,[], [])
mapR(R,[H|T],[RH|RT]) <= R(H,RH) & mapR(R,T,RT)

% So mapR(child_of,[amy,rose],Ps) binds Ps to different lists of 
% parents  of amy and rose

% list((T1) -> T2) is type of a list of functions all of type (T1)->T2

fun mapFuns(list(fun(T1) -> T2), T1) -> list(T2)
mapFuns([], _) -> []
mapFuns([F|Tail], X) -> [F(X)|mapFuns(Tail, X)]

fun zip(A:list(T1), B:list(T2)) -> list((T1, T2))
zip([], _) -> []
zip(_, []) -> []
zip([H1|T1], [H2|T2]) -> [(H1,H2)|zip(T1, T2)]

fun foldr(fun(B) -> fun(A) -> A) -> fun(A) -> fun(list(B)) -> A
foldr(_F)(Z)([]) -> Z
foldr(F)(Z)([H|T]) -> F(H)(foldr(F)(Z)(T))

fun foldl(fun(A) -> fun(B) -> A) -> fun(A) -> fun(list(B)) -> A
foldl(_F)(Z)([]) -> Z
foldl(F)(Z)([H|T]) -> foldl(F)(F(Z)(H))(T)

% The above maps a list of functions over a value X produces a list of 
% their values when applied to X

% function that returns a function that will eventually add two ints

fun add(int) -> (fun(int) -> int)
add(N)(M) -> N+M

fun curry(fun(T1,T2) -> T3) -> fun(T1) -> fun(T2) -> T3 
"Curried form of F"
curry(F)(X)(Y) -> F(X,Y)
% So curry(+) is same as the add function above

fun uncurry(fun(T1) -> fun(T2) -> T3) -> fun(T1,T2) -> T3
uncurry(F)(X,Y) -> F(X)(Y)
% so uncurry(add) is same as primitive function + 
% It has type (int,int)->int 

%%%% currying relations

fun curryR(rel(T1,??T2)) -> fun(T1) -> rel(??T2),
    curryR(rel(T1,?T2)) -> fun(T1) -> rel(?T2),
    curryR(rel(T1,!T2)) -> fun(T1) -> rel(!T2) 

curryR(Rel)(X)(Y) <= Rel(X,Y)

% Example 
% curryR(child_of(rose)) is a monadic relation true of parents of rose
% it can be passed round as a higher order value as a monadic rel
% over atoms.
% curryR(rose)(P) 
% will bind P to a parent of rose. 

fun uncurryR(fun(T1) -> rel(!T2)) -> rel(T1,!T2),
    uncurryR(fun(T1) -> rel(?T2)) -> rel(T1,?T2),
    uncurryR(fun(T1) -> rel(?T2)) -> rel(T1,?T2),
    uncurryR(fun(T1) -> rel(??T2)) -> rel(T1,??T2)
uncurryR(FR)(X,Y) <= FR(X)(Y)

% Esoteric Church numerals for the FP gurus

%% church is a type macro
def church == fun(fun(T) -> T) -> fun(T) -> T

fun zero(fun(T) -> T) -> fun(T) -> T
zero(_F)(X) -> X

fun one(fun(T) -> T) -> fun(T) -> T
one(X)(Y) -> succ(zero)(X)(Y)
% note that we don't have to supply args in this case - like a 'macro'

fun succ(church) -> church
succ(N)(F)(X) -> F(N(F)(X))

fun plus(church) -> fun(church) -> church
plus(A)(B)(F)(X) -> A(F)(B(F)(X))

fun mult(church) -> fun(church) -> church
mult(A)(B) -> A(plus(B))(zero)

fun inc(nat) -> nat
inc(N) -> N+1

% X = mult(succ(succ(one)))(succ(one))(inc)(0).

% ---------

% Sets can be manipulated using union, diff and inter set operations
% Or by being converted to lists and then converted back. 

% set(T) is type for a set of T values. 
% list(T) is type for a list of T values. 

rel equal_sets(!set(T), !set(T))
equal_sets(S1,S2) <= 
    forall E1 (E1 in S1 => E1 in S2) & 
    forall E2 (E2 in S2 => E2 in S1)

fun unionDiff(set(T),set(T),set(T)) -> set(T)
unionDiff(A, B, C) -> A union B diff C  % same as (A union B) diff C

%%% Action rules  

% An action rule can update a belief relation, 
% send messages and fork query threads. 

act new_child(!human, !age_val, !human, !human)  
new_child(C, A, M, F) ~> 
    remember([child_of(C,M), child_of(C,F), age_of(C,A)])
% remembers three new fact, C, M and F must all be atoms of human type. 

%%% Try:  new_child(helen,6,veronica,graham).
%%% The: show child_of.

act remove_child(!human) 
remove_child(C) ~> forall P {child_of(C,P) ~> forget([child_of(C,P)])}
% ~> used in the forall as the consequent is an action

act birthday(!human)
birthday(P) :: person(P, _, A) & Z = A+1 & type(Z, age_val) ~> 
        forget_remember([age_of(P, A)], [age_of(P, Z)])
birthday(P) ~> write_list([P," is not a person or would have an invalid age"])

% Actions for giving run-time error messages 

rel all_dict_words(!list(string))
all_dict_words(Wrds) <= forall W (W in Wrds => type(W, !dword))

%%% do_parse action - error reports at each stage
act do_parse(!string, ?parse_tree)  % default for actions is ground input mode
do_parse(Str,PT) ~> 
    to_words(Str,Wrds); write_list(["Word list: ",Wrds,nl_]); 
    check_dict(Wrds); write_list(["All words in dictionary",nl_]);

act to_words(!string, ?list(string))
to_words(Str,Wrds) :: words(Str,Wrds) ~> {}
to_words(Str,[]) ~> write_list(["Cannot split into words: ",Str, nl_])

act check_dict(!list(string))
check_dict(Wrds) :: all_dict_words(Wrds) ~> {}
check_dict(Wrds) ~> write_list(["Unknown words in: ",Wrds, nl_])

act to_parse_tree(!list(string), ?parse_tree)
to_parse_tree(Wrds,PT) :: a_parse_tree(PT,Wrds,[])  ~> {}
to_parse_tree(Wrds,parse_error()) ~> 
    write_list(["Cannot parse word list: ",Wrds,nl_])

%% An exception variant of the above

%% We declare some user exceptions

def user_exception ::= cannot_tokenize() | unknown_words(list(string)) | 

act do_parse2(!string, ?parse_tree)
do_parse2(Str,PT) ~>
    try {
        to_words2(Str,Wrds); write_list(["Word list: ",Wrds,nl_]); 
        check_dict2(Wrds); write_list(["All words in dictionary",nl_]);
    except {
        cannot_tokenize() :: PT = parse_error() ~> 
                write_list(["Cannot split into words: ",Str, nl_])
        unknown_words(Wrds) :: PT = parse_error() ~> 
                write_list(["Unknown words in: ",Wrds, nl_])
        cannot_parse(Wrds) :: PT = parse_error() ~> 
                write_list(["Cannot parse word list: ",Wrds,nl_])

act to_words2(!string, ?list(string))
to_words2(Str,Wrds) :: words(Str,Wrds) ~> {}
to_words2(_, _) ~> raise(cannot_tokenize())

act check_dict2(!list(string))
check_dict2(Wrds) :: all_dict_words(Wrds) ~> {}
check_dict2(Wrds) ~> raise(unknown_words(Wrds))

act to_parse_tree2(!list(string), ?parse_tree)
to_parse_tree2(Wrds,PT) :: a_parse_tree(PT,Wrds,[])  ~> {}
to_parse_tree2(Wrds,_) ~> raise(cannot_parse(Wrds))

% Global values

% Global values can be used to store and update int or num values
% and are declared as follows.

int a:=0
num b:=0.0

% An example use - if a global value is to be modified it can only be
% done in an action

act inc_a(?int)
"Increment the global value a and return the incremented value"
inc_a(N) :: N = $a+1 ~> a +:= 1

% $a evaluates to the value stored in a and a :=+ 1 replaces the
% old value in a by its increment

%% We can give type declarations that have alternatives for modes and/or types
%% For example 

fun my_abs(int) -> int, my_abs(num) -> num

my_abs(X) -> abs(X)

%% It's possible to access all of Qu-Prolog's builtin definitions by simply 
%% giving type declarations.
%% No checking is done so the user needs to be confident of the correctness
%% of the declaration (and relation/action annotations need to be given)

%% Example sorting programs

rel smallest_and_rest(num, list(num), ?num, ?list(num))

smallest_and_rest(X, [], X, []) :: true
smallest_and_rest(X, [H,..T], Y, [H,..R]) :: X < H <= 
        smallest_and_rest(X, T, Y, R)
smallest_and_rest(X, [H,..T], Y, [X,..R]) <= 
    smallest_and_rest(H, T, Y, R)

fun ssort(list(num)) -> list(num)
ssort([]) -> []
ssort(L) :: L = [_] -> L
ssort([H,..T]) :: smallest_and_rest(H, T, X, Rest) -> [X,..ssort(Rest)]

fun partition(num, list(num)) -> (list(num), list(num))
partition(_X, []) -> ([], [])
partition(X, [H,..T]) :: 
    H < X & 
    partition(X, T) = (P1, P2) -> 
        ([H,..P1], P2)
partition(X, [H,..T]) :: partition(X, T) = (P1, P2) -> (P1, [H,..P2])

fun qsort(list(num)) -> list(num)
qsort([]) -> []
qsort(L) :: L = [_] -> L
qsort(L) :: L = [X, Y] & X < Y -> L
qsort(L) :: L = [X, Y] -> [Y, X]
qsort([P,..Rest]) :: partition(P, Rest) = (P1, P2) -> 
        qsort(P1) <> [P,..qsort(P2)]

fun msplit(list(num)) -> (list(num), list(num))
msplit([]) -> ([], [])
msplit(L) :: L = [_] -> (L, [])
msplit([X1, X2,..L]) :: msplit(L) = (L1, L2) -> ([X1,..L1], [X2,..L2])

%% merge and msort are used in QuProlog so we use different names

fun merge1(list(num), list(num)) -> list(num)
merge1([], L) -> L
merge1(L, []) -> L
merge1([X,..XR], [Y,..YR]) :: X < Y -> [X,..merge1(XR, [Y,..YR])]
merge1([X,..XR], [Y,..YR]) -> [Y,..merge1([X,..XR], YR)]

fun msort1(list(num)) -> list(num)
msort1([]) -> []
msort1(L) :: L = [_] -> L
msort1(L) :: (L1, L2) = msplit(L) -> merge1(msort1(L1), msort1(L2))

fun add1(num) -> num
add1(N) -> N + 1

fun twice(fun(T) -> T) -> fun(T) -> T
twice(F)(V) -> F(F(V))

%% Example Fact store/Query server

def message_t ::= tell(dyn_term) | deny(dyn_term)

rel may_update(@dyn_term,!agent_handle)
/* We use the may_update definition to restrict updates 
 to certain agents. In this case all clients are  
 allowed to update any age_of or child_of fact. 
 Such rules may be used to allow only certain clients to update
 certain relations, even to restrict updates of certain to facts
 having certain argument values. For example we might want 
 to restrict updates of child_of(_,P)  facts to an agent with  
 handle P@_ - the agent for the parent P. */

% The following relation has a system type declaration
% rel allowed_remote_query_from(??rel_term,!agent_handle)
/* Any agent is allowed to query without restriction all above relations,
 but only these relations. 
 We can be more restrictive by partially instantiating the relation
 call templates and/or the agent handle arguments. */

act handle_messages()
handle_messages() ~> 
    fork(handle_a_message(), Name, messages);

act handle_a_message()
handle_a_message() ~>
    try {
        receive { 
            tell(Bel) from Ag :: 
                ground(Bel) & may_update(Bel,Ag) ~> 
                    write_list(["Remembering: ", Bel, nl_]);
            deny(Bel) from Ag :: 
                nonvar(Bel)  & may_update(Bel,Ag) ~> 
                    write_list(["Forgetting:",Bel, nl_]);
            %% special message pattern for query_at calls
            %% from a client
            remote_query(ID, QueryStr) from_thread AgTh  ::
                nonvar(ID) & nonvar(QueryStr) ~> 
                    write_list(["Agent thread", AgTh," asked:", nl_,
                                QueryStr, nl_]);
                    %% builtin action that
                    %% parses, type checks, evaluates QueryStr and
                    %% returns answers to the client thread AgTh
                    respond_remote_query(ID, QueryStr, AgTh)
            M from_thread Addr ~> 
                write_list(["Invalid message ", M, " from ", Addr, nl_])
    except {
        %% All messages that are received are type checked as a term
        %% If the test fails the message is consummed and this exception
        %% is raised
        input_term_type_error(_, Err) ~>
            write_list(["Message type error: ", Err, nl_])

%% If the above server runs with process name 'server' then a client can query
%% the server (assuming the same type declarations) - e.g.
%% (PAs :: PAs = [(Person, Age) ::age_of(Person, Age)]) query_at server
%% This will (on the client side) instantiate PAs to the list of 
%% (Person, Age) pairs with age_of(Person, Age) in the server's belief store
%% (Person, Age :: age_of(Person, Age)) query_at server.
%% This will, on backtracking, give instantiations for Person and Age for which 
%% age_of(Person, Age) is true on the server side

%% Below is a repeat-fail version of the recursive action above.
%% An advantage of this approach is that no garbage is built up
%% (as happens with the recursive version above) and hence no garbage
%% collection is required.

act rf_handle_messages()
rf_handle_messages() ~> 
    fork(rf_handle_message(), Name, messages);
act rf_handle_message()
rf_handle_message() ~>
    repeat {
        try {
            receive { 
                tell(Bel) from Ag :: 
                ground(Bel) & may_update(Bel,Ag)  ~> 
                        write_list(["Remembering: ", Bel, nl_]);
                deny(Bel) from Ag  :: 
                    nonvar(Bel) & may_update(Bel,Ag) ~> 
                        write_list(["Forgetting:",Bel, nl_]);
                %% special message pattern for query_at calls
                %% from a client
                remote_query(ID, QueryStr) from_thread AgTh  ::
                    nonvar(ID) & nonvar(QueryStr) ~> 
                        write_list(["Agent ", AgTh," asked:", nl_,
                                    QueryStr, nl_]);
                        %% builtin action that
                        %% parses, type checks, evaluates QueryStr and
                        %% returns answers to Client
                        respond_remote_query(ID, QueryStr, AgTh)
                M from_thread Addr ~> 
                    write_list(["Invalid message ", M, " from ", Addr, nl_])
        except {
            %% All messages that are received are type checked as a term
            %% If the test fails the message is consummed and this exception
            %% is raised
            input_term_type_error(_, Err) ~>
                write_list(["Message type error: ", Err, nl_])