Starting the interpreter

To start the interpreter, assuming paths have been set up, we simply need to use the command

In many uses of QuLog we want to use Pedro for communication and so the simplest way to do this is instead use the command

qulog -A Name

where Name is the name we want to give to this process. This will connect us to Pedro and tell Pedro that this is the name of this process. If that name, on this machine, is already in use interpreter will produce an error message and terminate.

In the examples below we will assume we are in the same folder as qlexamples.qlg

Once we have started the interpreter we will get the prompt | ?? and we can consult the example file in the same way as in Prolog

| ?? [qlexamples].
| ?? consult qlexamples.

All queries, like in Prolog, are terminated by a fullstop, linefeed.

If the file contains syntax or type errors we can modify and save the file and consult again - this is really a re-consult. Note that files we consult can contain consults themselves. These files are consulted and checked before the main file is consulted. The reference manual gives details about how reconsulting works when either the main file or a sub-file is edited.

Assuming the file of interest has been successfully consulted we can then enter queries. In the QuLog interpreter queries are either a conjuction of relation calls or a sequence of action calls. The interpreter does not allow a mixture.