On one-relator quotients of the modular group; supplementary materials
This web page gives access to supplementary materials for the paper On one-relator quotients of the modular group written by Marston Conder, George Havas and M.F. Newman, Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath, Volume I, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 387, Cambridge University Press (2011), 183-197. [Preprint: 202K]

Copies of slides, presented by Havas on 11 August 2009 on this topic at the Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath Conference, are available: Groups St Andrews slides (pdf, 203KB). Havas gave another talk (on 19 November 2009, New York time) with the same title but with different content in the Algebraic Cryptography Center's online seminar series. It is accessible via Webinar slides (pdf, 160KB).

We provide Magma programs for computing with one-relator quotients of the modular group and outputs of these programs. Use of the programs is documented in the paper. These programs and their outputs are not designed for elegance, but rather to effectively back up results claimed in the paper. In order to understand them readers should be familiar with the relevant sections of Magma documentation.

Magma programs
Magma programs and outputs in this directory follow. Program files are *.m and their stdout files are *.l
All are text files and only 3 are longer than 10KB: mqEasy.l, 497KB; mqEasy2.l, 611KB; last48.l, 197KB.
mqEasy.m mqEasy.l Run on a Dell XPS M1330 laptop with 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo cpus; Magma reported: Total time: 908.453 seconds, Total memory usage: 69.37MB
mqEasy2.m mqEasy2.l inftest.m fintest.m Run on a Dell XPS M1330 laptop with 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo cpus; Magma reported: Total time: 2101.531 seconds, Total memory usage: 236.69MB
last48.m last48.l Run on a Dell XPS M1330 laptop with 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo cpus; Magma reported: Total time: 2208.859 seconds, Total memory usage: 610.24MB
PF48.m PF48.l Run on an Intel Xeon E5430 CPU rated at 2.66GHz; Magma reported: Total time: 4.440 seconds, Total memory usage: 9.03MB
last28.m last28.l Run on a Dell XPS M1330 laptop with 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo cpus; Magma reported: Total time: 283.125 seconds, Total memory usage: 273.47MB
last15.m last15.l Run on an Intel Xeon E5430 CPU rated at 2.66GHz; Magma reported: Total time: 2323.389 seconds, Total memory usage: 3059.16MB
l6LIN.m l6LIN.l Run on an Intel Xeon E5430 CPU rated at 2.66GHz; Magma reported: Total time: 49270.989 seconds, Total memory usage: 204.71MB
Q22I6.m Q22I6.l Run on an Intel Xeon E5430 CPU rated at 2.66GHz; Magma reported: Total time: 183.199 seconds, Total memory usage: 1722.85MB
l6Ile6SimQ.m l6Ile6SimQ.l Run on a Dell XPS M1330 laptop with 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo cpus; Magma reported: Total time: 3414.484 seconds, Total memory usage: 203.46MB

Last updated: 5 July 2011