Connectionist Models of Cognition: A Workshop

Saturday October 3rd - Sunday October 4th, 1998

Sponsored by the

Department of Psychology and the Cognitive Science Center

The Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio 43210

The Department of Psychology and the Cognitive Science Center at Ohio State University are pleased to announce a tutorial workshop on Connectionist Models of Cognition. The workshop is open to both faculty and students interested in the application of parallel distributed processing models to cognitive phenomena either in a teaching or research capacity. Participants will gain hands-on modeling experience with a variety of standard architectures and have the opportunity to begin developing their own models under the guidance of workshop staff. A background in connectionist models is not required to participate.

The intensive two-day workshop will consist of tutorial lectures on specific connectionist models followed by structured modeling sessions in the computer lab. The network architectures covered will include interactive-activation networks, backpropagation networks, simple-recurrent networks, Hopfield networks, self-organizing feature maps, and coupled-oscillator models. The lab sessions will consist of a series of exercises with the BrainWave connectionist simulator.

Registration, lectures, and labs will be held in room 070 of Derby Hall, located at 154 North Oval Mall on the OSU main campus. You can click here to find Derby Hall.




Directions to the OSU campus

Columbus Area Map

Send general inquiries and registration forms to

Connectionist Models Workshop (c/o Devin McAuley)

Department of Psychology

142 Townshend Hall

The Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio 43210 USA