Back to the Jets and Sharks Network

Now that you have a more in depth understanding of how the IAC network operates lets return to the exercises performed in the introductory section. As before we start with the Jets and Sharks network with Art's instance unit active.

Figure 8: The Jets and Sharks Network Again.
Exercise 12: Click on cycle. Why is Ralph's instance unit active?

Exercise 13: Why isn't the Ralph name unit active?

Exercise 14: Cycle for another 30 cycles (making a total of 60 cycles). What happens to Ralph's name unit? Why?

Exercise 15: Why are some of Art's features more active than others? Note: you can right click on a unit to see its exact activation.

Now click on the ZeroUnits button to return all of the units to zero activation and activate the instance unit for Art and the pusher and bookie units. Now run one cycle (Note you will have to change the NumberOfCycles parameter of the Cycle button to 1).

Exercise 16: What are the activations of the bookie, pusher and burglar units after one cycle?

Exercise 17: Why is the pusher unit more active than the bookie unit?

Exercise 18: Explain the activation of the burglar unit.

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