SVRC Technical Report: 99-30


@techreport { cite791,
  title = "A Survey of International Safety Standards",
  author = "Axel Wabenhorst and Brenton Atchison",
  institution = "Software Verification Research Centre",
  address = "School of Information Technology,
   The University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia",
  number = "99-30",
  month = nov,
  year = "1999",
  keywords = "safety-critical systems, safety assurance, safety standards, safety management.",
  abstract = "This report presents a survey of international standards for
computer-based safety-critical systems. Eleven standards are surveyed:
the Australian Def(Aust) 5679; MIL-STD-882C; NATO STANAG 4404 and
STANAG 4452; UK Def Stan 00-56, Def Stan 00-55 and Def Stan 00-54;
avionics standards ARP4754, ARP4761 and RTCA/DO-178B; and the civilian
standard IEC 61508. The standards are surveyed according to a wide range
of attributes, including levels of prescription and tailoring;
safety management issues such as agents, their responsibilities, and
deliverables required; and technical issues such as development
constraints, hazard analysis, risk assessment, implementation assurance,
human factors and non-development items.",
  url = ""