SVRC Technical Report: 00-19


@techreport { cite861,
  title = "Safe Architectural Design Principles",
  author = "Andrew Hussey and Brenton Atchison",
  institution = "Software Verification Research Centre",
  address = "School of Information Technology,
   The University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia",
  number = "00-19",
  month = jul,
  year = "2000",
  keywords = "safety-critical, architecture, fault tolerance.",
  abstract = "This report discusses architectures for safety-critical sysems.
The report summarises the existing literature in the area as
well as the guidance provided by existing safety-critical system
development standards. We discuss the three constituent functions
of fault tolerant architectures: error detection, damage assessment
and confinement and error recovery.  We also consider methods for
fault prevention.",
  url = ""