SVRC Technical Report: 00-40


@techreport { cite902,
  title = "Extending the Integrated Capability Maturity Model (CMMI) for Safety-related Applications",
  author = "Neil Robinson and Peter Lindsay and Adrian Pitman",
  institution = "Software Verification Research Centre",
  address = "School of Information Technology,
   The University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia",
  number = "00-40",
  month = dec,
  year = "2000",
  keywords = "Capability Maturity Models, Safety-critical systems, Acquisition, Process Improvement, Process Assessment.",
  abstract = "The recently released CMMI offers a Capability Maturity Model integrated for software and systems engineering. The Australian Defence Force intends to use CMMI to assess suppliers of software intensive systems. A key aim is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of system and software suppliers, and to address identified weaknesses early in the acquisition process. This paper describes an extension of  CMMI to explicitly deal with safety engineering, for use in assessment of suppliers of safety-related systems.",
  url = "",
  svrctr = "00-40"