SVRC Technical Report 00-17

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P. Lindsay and G. Smith


Safety Asurance of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Software


May 2000.


COTS, safety, safety standards.


Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software is increasingly being suggested for use in systems development, for reasons including cost, functionality, useability, testedness, availability of support and upgrades. At the same time, standards for use of software in safety-related systems are becoming increasingly stringent. This paper examines the issue of providing safety assurance for systems involving COTS software, and surveys what international standards say about the issue. The strengths and weaknesses of a number of different approaches are discussed. The paper suggests that “whole life-cycle” costing estimates, including estimates of the cost of developing and maintaining safety assurance, be made prior to deciding whether to use COTS components in safety-related applications.