7.7 Other Actions

fork(Action, Name, Sizes, Root)

Fork a new QuLog thread, give it the name Name, and start the thread executing Action. If Name is given it must not be the name of an existing thread. If Name is a variable it will be instantiated to a name given by the system. The generated name uses Root as the root name of the thread. The name is extended with a number to give the first available name. The sizes of the various memory areas determined by the content of the Sizes list. If Sizes is not given it defaults to []. If Root is not given it defaults to thread.

Example: the following sets sizes for the environment stack and the heap.

fork(Act, Name, [env_size(1), heap_size(5)])

fork_light(Action, Name, Root)

Fork a new QuLog thread with the sizes of the various memory areas set to be very small. This produces a very light weight thread and is useful for threads that do minimal computation - for example a simple message handling thread.

Name and Root are the same as for fork.

from(Term, Handle)

This is the agent message receive action. It will succeed it there is a message term in that threads message buffer whose message term unifies with Term and whose agent handle unifies with Handle. If not the call will suspend and be repeatedly retried as new messages arrive until it succeeds. When it does succeed, the matched message will be removed from the message buffer.
act from(??term, ?agent_handle)

Alternative syntax: Term from Handle

to(Term, Handle)

This is the agent message send action. It sends Term as a message to the agent (of possibly a process on another machine) whose agent address is Handle.
act to(@term, !agent_handle)

Alternative syntax: Term to Handle

from_thread(Term, Handle)

This is the message receive action. It will succeed it there is a message term in that threads message buffer whose message term unifies with Term and whose handle unifies with Handle. If not the call will suspend and be repeatedly retried as new messages arrive until it succeeds. When it does succeed, the matched message will be removed from the message buffer.
act from_thread(??term, ?handle)

Alternative syntax: Term from_thread Handle

to_thread(Term, Handle)

This is the message send action. It sends Term as a message to the thread (of possibly another process on another machine) whose address is Handle.
act to_thread(@term, !agent_handle)

Alternative syntax: Term to_thread Handle


Causes the executing thread to suspend for Secs seconds.
act thread_sleep(!num)

Dynamic facts (that make up the belief store) can be remembered and forgotten using the actions below. Each such action atomically modifies the collection of dynamic facts. If the belief store changes then the belief store timestamp is updated and the timestamp can be accessed using the time_ relation.


Remove the first dynamic fact matching each entry of the list DynPatterns. Note that DynPatterns may contain variables within the arguments of each entry. forget always succeeds even if there are no matching facts.


Adds each new dyn_term in the list (DynTerms) as a new last dynamic fact. If the fact is already present then there is no change.

forget_remember(DynPatterns, DynTerms)

This is the combination of the above two actions. The forgets are done first followed by the remembers. If a fact that is to be forgotten is to be immediately remembered then no change occurs.

remember_for(DynTerms, Secs)

The same as remember except that DynTerms are forgotten after Secs seconds.

Name := Expression

Here Name is an atom that must have been initialised with a statement

int Name:=Integer, e.g. int count:=0 or

num Name:=Number, e.g. num savings:=678.50

in the program. These statements are shorthand for dyn declarations and a definition using one fact of a unary relation called Name. They are respectively expanded into:

dyn Name(int)

dyn Name(num) 

The action Name := Expression is the same as

forget_remember([Name(_)], [Name(Expression)]). 

Name can be used as though it were a global variable. To access its value the operator $ is applied. The expression $Name evaluates to the current int or num value stored in Name, i.e. in the current Name belief.

act :=(!rel(?num), !num), :=(!rel(?int), !int)

Name +:= Expression

As above, Name is an atom that must have been initialised with a statement

int Name:=Integer or num Name:=Number

in the program.

The action Name +:= Expression is the same as

forget_remember([Name(Val)], [Name(Val+Expression)]).

act +:=(!rel(?num), !num), +:=(!rel(?int), !int)

Example use

count +:= 1

for increasing value held in count by 1.

Name -:= Expression

As above, Name is an atom that must have been initialised with a statement

int Name:=Integer or num Name:=Number

in the program.

The action Name -:= Expression is the same as

forget_remember([Name(Val)], [Name(Val-Expression)]).

act -:=(!rel(?num), !num), -:=(!rel(?int), !int)

Example use

savings -:= 67.90

for decreasing the value held in savings by 67.90.

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