A nilpotent quotient algorithm for graded Lie rings [More]
Coset enumeration strategies [More]
Algorithms for groups [More]
Application of substring searching methods to group presentations [More]
Application of computational tools for finitely presented groups [More]
A new problem in string searching [More]
Groups of deficiency zero [More]
Central factors of deficiency zero groups [More]
Practical parallel coset enumeration [More]
Symmetric presentations and orthogonal groups [More]
Automorphism groups of certain non-quasiprimitive almost simple graphs [More]
On the automorphism groups of quasiprimitive almost simple graphs [More]
A family of non-quasiprimitive graphs admitting a quasiprimitive 2-arc transitive group action [More]
A presentation for the Lyons simple group [More]
On Sims' presentation for Lyons' simple group [More]
Groups with exponent six [More]
Elementary Algebra Revisited: Randomized Algorithms [More]
Computing in groups with exponent six [More]
Some challenging group presentations [More]
Experiments in coset enumeration [More]
Proving a group trivial made easy: a case study in coset enumeration [More]
A presentation for the Thompson sporadic simple group [More]
Certain cyclically presented groups are infinite [More]
Parallel coset enumeration using threads [More]
Efficient simple groups [More]
Andrews-Curtis and Todd-Coxeter proof words [More]
Breadth-first search and the Andrews-Curtis conjecture [More]
Irreducible cyclic presentations of the trivial group [More]
Short balanced presentations of perfect groups [More]
On the efficiency of some finite groups [More]
4-Engel groups are locally nilpotent [More]
Experimenting with infinite groups, I [More]
Nice efficient presentations for all small simple groups and their covers [More]
Efficient presentations for the Mathieu simple group M22 and its cover [More]
Certain Roman and flock generalized quadrangles have nonisomorphic elation groups [More]
Computing with elation groups [More]
The Fa,b,c conjecture, I [More]
Computing with 4-Engel groups [More]
On proofs in finitely presented groups [More]
The Fa,b,c conjecture is true, II [More]
On the efficiency of the simple groups with order less than a million and their covers [More]
Addendum to an elementary introduction to coset table methods in computational group theory [More]
Behind and beyond a theorem on groups related to trivalent graphs [More]
On counterexamples to the Hughes conjecture [More]
On Coxeter's families of group presentations [More]
On one-relator quotients of the modular group [More]
All simple groups with order from 1 million to 5 million are efficient [More]
Counting trees [More]
Finding the k most vital edges with respect to minimum spanning trees for k=2 and 3 [More]
Improved Lightpath (Wavelength) Routing in Large WDM Networks [More]
On routing in circulant graphs [More]
Finding a Low-Diameter and Low-Weight k-Connected Subgraph [More]
Defining set spectra for designs can have arbitrarily large gaps [More]
Recognizing badly presented Z-modules [More]
Hermite normal form computation for integer matrices [More]
Integer matrix diagonalization [More]
On the worst-case complexity of integer Gaussian elimination [More]
Extended gcd and Hermite normal form algorithms via lattice basis reduction [More]
Matrix reduction algorithms for Euclidean rings [More]
Elementary Algebra Revisited: Randomized Algorithms [More]
Some Performance Studies in Exact Linear Algebra [More]
The complexity of greatest common divisor computations [More]
Extended gcd algorithms [More]
A solution to the extended gcd problem [More]
Extended gcd calculation [More]
A hard problem that is almost always easy [More]
A new algorithm and refined bounds for extended gcd computation [More]
Extended gcd and Hermite normal form algorithms via lattice basis reduction [More]
Elementary Algebra Revisited: Randomized Algorithms [More]
GCD of many integers [More]
The complexity of the extended GCD problem [More]
An optimal algorithm for generating minimal perfect hash functions [More]
Graph theoretic obstacles to perfect hashing [More]
Graphs, hypergraphs and hashing [More]
A family of perfect hashing methods [More]
Perfect Hashing [More]
Reconstructing a distributed depth-first-search tree after network topology changes [More]
Empirical analysis of distributed depth-first search algorithms [More]
Distributed algorithms for depth-first search [More]
An efficient method for constructing a distributed depth-first search tree [More]
Approximation Algorithms for 2-Connectivity Augmentation in A Graph [More]
Finding the k most vital edges with respect to minimum spanning trees for k=2 and 3 [More]
Parallel approximate edge coloring revisited [More]
Improved Lightpath (Wavelength) Routing in Large WDM Networks [More]
On routing in circulant graphs [More]
Finding a Low-Diameter and Low-Weight k-Connected Subgraph [More]
Functional decomposition of a class of wild polynomials [More]
Giesbrecht's algorithm, the HFE cryptosystem and Ore's ps-polynomials [More]
On decomposition properties of sub-linearised polynomials [More]
On the Complexity of the Extended Euclidean Algorithm [More]