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EmotionAware 2020: 4th International Workshop on Emotion Awareness for Pervasive Computing with Mobile and Wearable Devices - Welcome and Committees

An important goal of pervasive computing is to integrate computer devices into users' everyday life by using information about users and their surroundings. Human emotions are one of the most crucial and attractive new sources of information for pervasive computing. Knowing the emotional state of a user may be useful for many applications, principally when the user‘s information is collected by using embedded sensors in smartphones and wearable devices. Emotion detection has proved to be a complex and challenging task. The goal of the 4th International Workshop on Emotion Awareness (EmotionAware2020) is to explore the challenges of modeling, sensing, and recognizing Emotions using mobile and wearable devices.

We received seven submissions in response to the call for papers. With the help of the members of the Technical Program Committee, we selected four papers to be presented in the workshop. We are very grateful to all authors for their contributions, and we kindly welcome you to EmotionAware2020.

Organizing Committee

Workshop Co-Chairs

  Klaus David (University of Kassel, Germany)  
  Chelsea Dobbins (The University of Queensland, Australia)  
  Tadashi Okoshi (Keio University, Japan)  

Technical Program Committee

Klaus David University of Kassel Germany
Chelsea Dobbins The University of Queensland Australia
Judith Heinisch University of Kassel Germany
Sandra Ohly University of Kassel Germany
Tadashi Okoshi Keio University Japan
Bernd Radig Technische Universitaet Muenchen Germany
Midori Sugaya Shibaura Institute of Technology Japan
Joyce Westerink Philips Group Innovation - Research The Netherlands