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Author Index


Author Session Start page Title
Atop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Abeysekera, Hirantha PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.3 47 Towards People Counting Using Wi-Fi CSI of Mobile Devices
Adaimi, Rebecca ARDUOUS 2020: S2.1 100 Usability of a Hands-Free Voice Input Interface for Ecological Momentary Assessment
Agrawal, Anmol PerAwareCity 2020: S4.2 262 Building an Open, Multi-Sensor, Dataset of Water Pollution of Ganga Basin and Application to Assess Impact of Large Religious Gatherings
Akikawa, Ryota PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.1 518 Smartphone-based Risky Traffic Situation Detection and Classification
Akiyama, Shinya PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.2 499 Estimation of Walking Direction with Vibration Sensor based on Piezoelectric Device
Akopian, David PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.2 647 Performance assessment of mHealth apps
Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.2 220 A Comparison of Unidirectional and Bidirectional LSTM Networks for Human Activity Recognition
Al-Zinati, Mohammad HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.2 220 A Comparison of Unidirectional and Bidirectional LSTM Networks for Human Activity Recognition
Alam, Mohammad PerIoT 2020: Session 5.4 744 Panel: Evolving IoT Tech Enables Aging in Place
Alawneh, Luay HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.2 220 A Comparison of Unidirectional and Bidirectional LSTM Networks for Human Activity Recognition
Alexandrova, Yana PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.5 396 TOSNOS: To Online Shop, or Not-to Online Shop - Enabling Combined Improvements
Alhassoun, Nailah PerCom PhD Forum 2020: PhD Forum Poster Session.8 422 Cross-Layer Energy Optimization for IoT-Enabled Smart Spaces
Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.3 226 Capturing Laughter and Smiles under Genuine Amusement vs. Negative Emotion
Almalag, Mohammad PerIoT 2020: Session 4.2 697 Machine Vision Smart Parking Using Internet of Things (IoTs) In A Smart University
Alshurafa, Nabil PerIoT 2020: Session 5.4 744 Panel: Evolving IoT Tech Enables Aging in Place
WristSense 2020: WS5.1 323 The 3rd WristSense Panel for Discussion Regarding How to Establish Objective Gold Standard Measurements for Health Constructs
PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S1.2 448 Sensor Self-Report Alignment (SSRA): Reducing Sun Exposure Assessment Error
Amano, Tatsuya PerCom PhD Forum 2020: PhD Forum Poster Session.9 424 3-D Localization of Indoor Access Points via Opportunistic Crowdsensing
Ammar, Mostafa PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-Keynote.1 558 Fulfilling the Promise of Mobile Device Crowds
Ando, Takashi PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S2.4 602 A Time Alignment Method for Multiple Sensing Systems with GNSS Timing and IMUs with Frame-Sync Input
Arai, Ismail PerIoT 2020: Session 3.1 570 A Framework for Transit Monitoring System Using IoT Technology: Two Case Studies
Arai, Ismail SPT-IoT 2020: S2.1 59 ID Sequence Analysis for Intrusion Detection in the CAN bus using Long Short Term Memory Networks
Arai, Kenichi PerIoT 2020: Session 3.2 576 A NAS Integrated File System for On-site IoT Data Storage
Arakawa, Yutaka PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S1.1 442 WorkerSense: Mobile Sensing Platform for Collecting Physiological, Mental, and Environmental State of Office Workers
PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S2.1 590 Initial Design of Two-Stage Acoustic Vehicle Detection System for High Traffic Roads
WristSense 2020: WS3.1 202 Predicting Depression and Anxiety Mood by Wrist-Worn Sleep Sensor
Araya, Kibrom SPT-IoT 2020: S2.1 59 ID Sequence Analysis for Intrusion Detection in the CAN bus using Long Short Term Memory Networks
Atiiq, Syafiq Al SPT-IoT 2020: S2.4 77 CLI-DOS: Collaborative Counteraction against Denial of Service in the Internet of Things
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B. Abkenar, Amin PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.7 363 Towards an Edge-Cloud Platform for Multirobot-Multihuman Cooperation in Urban IoT Ecosystems
Bäckström, Tom PerCom WiP 2020: Best Papers.1 326 Provable Consent for Voice User Interfaces
Badsha, Shahriar PerAwareCity 2020: S3.1 190 BITS: Blockchain based Intelligent Transportation System with Outlier Detection for Smart City
Bahle, Gernot COMOREA 2020: S2.3 546 A Further Step Towards Automatic Domain Modelling by Relevant Information Extraction
Bailey, Emily SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.3 157 COSMOS Smart Intersection: Edge Compute and Communications for Bird's Eye Object Tracking
Balamuralidhar, P. PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.4 488 Monitoring the early physiological effects of fitness regimes using PPG signals
Banerjee, Tanushree PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S3.2 660 Driver authentication by quantifying driving style using GPS only
Barsocchi, Paolo HCCS 2020: Heterogeneous Social Sensing.3 184 Detecting Social Interactions in Indoor Environments with the Red-HuP Algorithm
Bartolini, Novella PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S3.3 250 On Optimal Crowd-Sensing Task Management in Developing Countries
Becker, Christian PerAwareCity 2020: S5.1 317 Comparing Smart Cities Concepts
Bedogni, Luca PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S3.2 244 A Privacy Preserving Framework for Rewarding Users in Opportunistic Mobile Crowdsensing
PerAwareCity 2020: S4.3 268 Delivering IoT Smart Services through Collective Awareness, Mobile Crowdsensing and Open Data
Behrens, Hans Walter PerCom PhD Forum 2020: PhD Forum Poster Session.1 408 Practical Security for Cooperative Ad Hoc Systems
Bekiroglu, Korkut SPT-IoT 2020: S2.7 94 A Proof of Concept Denial of Service Attack Against Bluetooth IoT Devices
Belloum, Rafik PerCom PhD Forum 2020: PhD Forum Poster Session.2 410 End-User Development of Activity-Supporting Services for Smart Homes
Ben Rabah, Nourhène COMOREA 2020: S3.2 678 Machine Learning for a Context Mining Facility
Benabbas, Aboubakr COMOREA 2020: S2.2 540 Towards Adaptive Sensor Data Quality Improvement based on Context Models
Bermejo, Carlos PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S1.2 436 Steal Your Life Using 5 Cents: Hacking Android Smartphones with NFC Tags
Berrocal, Javier PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.3 390 Deployment of APIs on Android Mobile Devices and Microcontrollers
PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S1.1 430 Automating the Interactions among IoT Devices using Neural Networks
Bettini, Claudio COMOREA 2020: S2.1 534 Towards Active Learning Interfaces for Multi-Inhabitant Activity Recognition
COMOREA 2020: S1.1 466 Keynote: Context reasoning for human activity recognition
Bhattacharjee, Tanuka PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.1 641 Sepsis Prediction using Continuous and Categorical Features on Sporadic Data
Bhattacharyya, Chirayata PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.1 641 Sepsis Prediction using Continuous and Categorical Features on Sporadic Data
Bi, Haixia ARDUOUS 2020: S2.6 129 Towards a Methodology for Acceptance Testing and Validation of Monitoring Bodyworn Devices
Bononi, Luciano PerAwareCity 2020: S4.3 268 Delivering IoT Smart Services through Collective Awareness, Mobile Crowdsensing and Open Data
Braud, Tristan PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S2.2 635 Trustworthy AI in the Age of Pervasive Computing and Big Data
Brophy, Eoin WristSense 2020: WS1.1 3 CNNs for Heart Rate Estimation and Human Activity Recognition in Wrist Worn Sensing Applications
Bugeja, Joseph PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.11 380 A Privacy-Centered System Model for Smart Connected Homes
Bulut, Eyuphan PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.4 393 Performing WiFi Sensing with Off-the-shelf Smartphones
Burger, Alwyn PerIoT 2020: Session 5.3 738 An Embedded CNN Implementation for On-Device ECG Analysis
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Calpin, Cameron PerIoT 2020: Session 4.2 697 Machine Vision Smart Parking Using Internet of Things (IoTs) In A Smart University
Camp, Joseph SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.2 151 Invited Paper: mmMoReEdge: A mmWave Modular and Reconfigurable Testbed Design using a Smart Edge Framework
Campbell, Andrew WristSense 2020: WS3.2 208 Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams
WristSense 2020: WS4.1 274 On the Quality of Real-world Wearable Data in a Longitudinal Study of Information Workers
Cay, Gozde PerCom PhD Forum 2020: PhD Forum Poster Session.7 420 SleepSmart: Smart Mattress Integrated with e-Textiles and IoT Functions for Sleep Apnea Management
Chakma, Avijoy WristSense 2020: WS4.3 286 Shoot Like Ronaldo: Predict Soccer Penalty Outcome with Wearables
Chakravarty, Tapas PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S3.2 660 Driver authentication by quantifying driving style using GPS only
Chalela, Patricia PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.2 647 Performance assessment of mHealth apps
Chandel, Vivek WristSense 2020: WS4.4 292 AiRite: Towards Accurate & Infrastructure-Free 3-D Tracking of Smart Devices
Chang, Joshua PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.2 475 Personalized Fall Detection System
Chang, Zheng SPT-IoT 2020: S2.2 65 Secrecy Limits of Energy Harvesting IoT Networks under Channel Imperfections
Charlebois, Kelly SPT-IoT 2020: S2.5 83 A New Authentication Approach for People with Upper Extremity Impairment
Chatterjee, Debatri HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.4 232 Multivariate Variational Mode Decomposition based approach for Blink Removal from EEG Signal
Chen, Dayin HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.1 214 Capturing Human Pose Using mmWave Radar
Chen, Lien-Wu PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.1 384 GuidingAll: A Smart Proactive iBeacon System with Crowdsourced Sensing Based on IoT Technologies
Cheng, Wei SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S3.1 298 Quick Edge-Device Deployment for Connecting First Responders in Public Safety Networks
Chidambaram, Vijay DUCSAN 2020: Keynote: Building storage systems for emerging applications and technologies.1 589 Keynote: Building storage systems for emerging applications and technologies
Choudhury, Munmun WristSense 2020: WS3.2 208 Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams
Chowdhury, Arijit PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S3.2 660 Driver authentication by quantifying driving style using GPS only
Chung, Brian PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.2 475 Personalized Fall Detection System
Ciobanu, Radu-Ioan PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S3.1 238 Smart Vehicular Routing Based on Crowdsensed Data Using Dynamic Traffic Light Control
Civitarese, Gabriele COMOREA 2020: S2.1 534 Towards Active Learning Interfaces for Multi-Inhabitant Activity Recognition
Clemente Núñez, Vanessa EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S2: Session 2.1 164 SmileCityReport:Emotion-aware Participatory Sensing for Smart Cities with Double-sided PhotoShooting
Coletta, Andrea PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S3.3 250 On Optimal Crowd-Sensing Task Management in Developing Countries
Coyne, Shaun PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.2 475 Personalized Fall Detection System
Crivello, Antonino HCCS 2020: Heterogeneous Social Sensing.3 184 Detecting Social Interactions in Indoor Environments with the Red-HuP Algorithm
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Das, Anooshmita ARDUOUS 2020: S2.2 105 Activity Recognition using Multi-Class Classification inside an Educational Building
PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.4 511 Human-centered Information for Decision-Making Processes of Future Space Designs
Davidsson, Paul PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.11 380 A Privacy-Centered System Model for Smart Connected Homes
COMOREA 2020: S3.3 685 Contextual Machine Teaching
Dawton, Billy PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S2.1 590 Initial Design of Two-Stage Acoustic Vehicle Detection System for High Traffic Roads
Dey, Anind WristSense 2020: WS3.2 208 Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams
WristSense 2020: WS4.1 274 On the Quality of Real-world Wearable Data in a Longitudinal Study of Information Workers
Ding, Aaron Yi PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S2.1 628 Multimodal Co-Presence Detection with Varying Spatio-Temporal Granularity
Ditton, Shane SPT-IoT 2020: S2.7 94 A Proof of Concept Denial of Service Attack Against Bluetooth IoT Devices
Dobre, Ciprian PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S3.1 238 Smart Vehicular Routing Based on Crowdsensed Data Using Dynamic Traffic Light Control
Dominguez, Miguel HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.3 226 Capturing Laughter and Smiles under Genuine Amusement vs. Negative Emotion
Du, Yifan PerCom PhD Forum 2020: PhD Forum Poster Session.10 426 In-network Collaborative Mobile Crowdsensing
Dutkowiak, Anna EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S1: Session 1.1 28 Emotion Recognition Using Wearables: A Systematic Literature Review - Work-in-progress
Dutta Choudhury, Anirban PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.1 641 Sepsis Prediction using Continuous and Categorical Features on Sporadic Data
Dziadek, Adam EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S1: Session 1.1 28 Emotion Recognition Using Wearables: A Systematic Literature Review - Work-in-progress
Dzieżyc, Maciej EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S1: Session 1.1 28 Emotion Recognition Using Wearables: A Systematic Literature Review - Work-in-progress
Etop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Edinger, Janick PerAwareCity 2020: S5.1 317 Comparing Smart Cities Concepts
Eigen, Yusaku EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S2: Session 2.1 164 SmileCityReport:Emotion-aware Participatory Sensing for Smart Cities with Double-sided PhotoShooting
El-Tawab, Samy PerIoT 2020: Session 3.1 570 A Framework for Transit Monitoring System Using IoT Technology: Two Case Studies
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Fan, Lingmin PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.5 355 Graph4Edge: A Graph-based Computation Offloading Strategy for Mobile-Edge Workflow Applications
Faridee, Abu Zaher Md WristSense 2020: WS4.3 286 Shoot Like Ronaldo: Predict Soccer Penalty Outcome with Wearables
Faust, Louis WristSense 2020: WS3.2 208 Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams
Fernando, Niroshinie PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.7 363 Towards an Edge-Cloud Platform for Multirobot-Multihuman Cooperation in Urban IoT Ecosystems
Fink, Gernot ARDUOUS 2020: S2.3 111 Annotation Performance for multi-channel time series HAR Dataset in Logistics
Fischer, Sebastian CoSDEO 2020: S1.2 564 Architecture of an intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Smart Home
Flores, Huber PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-Panel.1 712 Edge Intelligence Enabled by Multi-Device Systems
PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S1.2 436 Steal Your Life Using 5 Cents: Hacking Android Smartphones with NFC Tags
Flores-Martin, Daniel PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S1.1 430 Automating the Interactions among IoT Devices using Neural Networks
Forman, Cleo HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.3 226 Capturing Laughter and Smiles under Genuine Amusement vs. Negative Emotion
Fotouhi, Mohmammadbagher SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S3.1 298 Quick Edge-Device Deployment for Connecting First Responders in Public Safety Networks
Franco da Silva, Ana Cristina PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.7 402 MBP: Not just an IoT Platform
Fujihashi, Takuya PerIoT 2020: Session 3.2 576 A NAS Integrated File System for On-site IoT Data Storage
Fujikawa, Kazutoshi SPT-IoT 2020: S2.1 59 ID Sequence Analysis for Intrusion Detection in the CAN bus using Long Short Term Memory Networks
Fujimoto, Manato PerLS 2020: PerLS-S1.2 460 Easy-to-Deploy Living Activity Sensing System and Data Collection in General Homes
Fukuda, Akira PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S2.1 590 Initial Design of Two-Stage Acoustic Vehicle Detection System for High Traffic Roads
Fukuda, Shuichi PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S1.1 442 WorkerSense: Mobile Sensing Platform for Collecting Physiological, Mental, and Environmental State of Office Workers
WristSense 2020: WS3.1 202 Predicting Depression and Anxiety Mood by Wrist-Worn Sleep Sensor
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García-Alonso, José PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.3 390 Deployment of APIs on Android Mobile Devices and Microcontrollers
PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S1.1 430 Automating the Interactions among IoT Devices using Neural Networks
Garcia-Constantino, Matias PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.3 482 Ambient and Wearable Sensor Fusion for Abnormal Behaviour Detection in Activities of Daily Living
Gautama, Sidharta PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.2 387 Geospatial Dashboards for Intelligent Multimodal Traffic Management
Gavas, Rahul PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.4 488 Monitoring the early physiological effects of fitness regimes using PPG signals
HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.4 232 Multivariate Variational Mode Decomposition based approach for Blink Removal from EEG Signal
Gehrmann, Christian SPT-IoT 2020: S2.4 77 CLI-DOS: Collaborative Counteraction against Denial of Service in the Internet of Things
Geissdoerfer, Kai PerIoT 2020: Session 4.1 691 Towards Optimal Kinetic Energy Harvesting for the Batteryless IoT
Ghorashi, Seyed SPT-IoT 2020: S2.6 89 Optimisation of Lightweight Klein Encryption Algorithm With 3 S-box
Ghose, Avik PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S3.2 660 Driver authentication by quantifying driving style using GPS only
WristSense 2020: WS4.4 292 AiRite: Towards Accurate & Infrastructure-Free 3-D Tracking of Smart Devices
Ghosh, Indrajeet WristSense 2020: WS4.2 280 StanceScorer: A Data Driven Approach to Score Badminton Player
Girolami, Michele HCCS 2020: Heterogeneous Social Sensing.3 184 Detecting Social Interactions in Indoor Environments with the Red-HuP Algorithm
Glushakov, Michael SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S3.3 311 Invited Paper: Edge-based Provisioning of Holographic Content for Contextual and Personalized Augmented Reality
Gooding, Amiah PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.5 396 TOSNOS: To Online Shop, or Not-to Online Shop - Enabling Combined Improvements
Gorlatova, Maria SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S3.3 311 Invited Paper: Edge-based Provisioning of Holographic Content for Contextual and Personalized Augmented Reality
Goswami, Utsav PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.6 399 Privacy-Preserving Mobile Video Sharing using Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Graf, Julian CoSDEO 2020: S1.2 564 Architecture of an intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Smart Home
Gregg, Jay Sterling PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.4 511 Human-centered Information for Decision-Making Processes of Future Space Designs
Gritti, Clémentine PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.3 347 Trustworthy, Secure, and Privacy-aware Food Monitoring Enabled by Blockchains and the IoT
Gruenerbl, Agnes COMOREA 2020: S2.3 546 A Further Step Towards Automatic Domain Modelling by Relevant Information Extraction
Guo, Bin COMOREA 2020: S4.1 726 RaCon: A Gesture Recognition Approach via Doppler Radar for Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction
Guo, Li DUCSAN 2020: DUCSAN Paper presentation.1 609 A Blockchain Based Architecture for IoT Data Sharing Systems
Guo, Xiaoming PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S3.1 654 A Deadline-Aware Offloading Scheme for Vehicular Fog Computing at Signalized Intersection
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Hackenberg, Rudolf CoSDEO 2020: S1.2 564 Architecture of an intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Smart Home
Han, Yuqi SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S3.3 311 Invited Paper: Edge-based Provisioning of Holographic Content for Contextual and Personalized Augmented Reality
Handaja, Nick COMOREA 2020: S4.2 732 CAPP: A Context-Aware Proof of Presence for Crowdsensing Incentives
Hartholt, Arno PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.8 405 The Passive Sensing Agent: A Multimodal Adaptive mHealth Application
Haus, Michael PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S2.1 628 Multimodal Co-Presence Detection with Varying Spatio-Temporal Granularity
Havinga, Paul PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.2 41 e-Sight: Real-time cloud platform for visualizing edge transport infrastructure information
PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.1 493 k-SpecNET: Localization and classification of indoor superimposed sound for acoustic sensor networks
SPT-IoT 2020: S2.3 71 Entropy as a Service: A Lightweight Random Number Generator for Decentralized IoT Applications
Hebert, Joshua SPT-IoT 2020: S2.5 83 A New Authentication Approach for People with Upper Extremity Impairment
Hein, Albert ARDUOUS 2020: S2.4 117 Kitchen Task Assessment Dataset for Measuring Errors due to Cognitive Impairments
Helal, Sumi COMOREA 2020: S2.4 552 Modeling and Reasoning of Contexts in Smart Spaces
SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-Keynote.1 324 Keynote: Scalable Cloud-Edge-Beneath Architectures for City-Scale Internet of Things
Helms, Domenik PerIoT 2020: Session 5.3 738 An Embedded CNN Implementation for On-Device ECG Analysis
Hendrikse, Suzanne PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.2 387 Geospatial Dashboards for Intelligent Multimodal Traffic Management
Heo, KukHo PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.1 470 Real-Time Sleep Apnea Diagnosis Method using Wearable Device
Hernandez, Steven PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.4 393 Performing WiFi Sensing with Off-the-shelf Smartphones
Hiehata, Yasuhiko PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.1 518 Smartphone-based Risky Traffic Situation Detection and Classification
Higashino, Teruo PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.1 518 Smartphone-based Risky Traffic Situation Detection and Classification
PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.3 47 Towards People Counting Using Wi-Fi CSI of Mobile Devices
Hirayama, Kosuke PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.1 35 Capturing user-defined facial features for scientific evidence of elderly care
Hirmer, Pascal PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.7 402 MBP: Not just an IoT Platform
Hiromori, Akihito PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.1 518 Smartphone-based Risky Traffic Situation Detection and Classification
Hissaria, Lalit PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.4 488 Monitoring the early physiological effects of fitness regimes using PPG signals
Ho, Ka Tai ARDUOUS 2020: S2.1 100 Usability of a Hands-Free Voice Input Interface for Ecological Momentary Assessment
Holmberg, Lars PerCom PhD Forum 2020: PhD Forum Poster Session.6 418 A Feature Space Focus in Machine Teaching
COMOREA 2020: S3.3 685 Contextual Machine Teaching
Hong, Xiaoyan PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S3.1 654 A Deadline-Aware Offloading Scheme for Vehicular Fog Computing at Signalized Intersection
Hori, Yuki PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S2.1 590 Initial Design of Two-Stage Acoustic Vehicle Detection System for High Traffic Roads
Hossain, H M Sajjad WristSense 2020: WS4.3 286 Shoot Like Ronaldo: Predict Soccer Penalty Outcome with Wearables
Hou, Mingyu DUCSAN 2020: DUCSAN Paper presentation.1 609 A Blockchain Based Architecture for IoT Data Sharing Systems
Huang, Wei-Chu PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.1 384 GuidingAll: A Smart Proactive iBeacon System with Crowdsourced Sensing Based on IoT Technologies
Hughes, David PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S3.3 250 On Optimal Crowd-Sensing Task Management in Developing Countries
Hui, Pan PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.4 351 MyoKey: Surface Electromyography and Inertial Motion Sensing-based Text Entry in AR
PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S1.2 436 Steal Your Life Using 5 Cents: Hacking Android Smartphones with NFC Tags
PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S2.2 635 Trustworthy AI in the Age of Pervasive Computing and Big Data
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Imai, Ryo PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.9 371 Next Place Prediction Using GPS traces and Web Search Queries
Inada, Toru PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S2.2 596 A Proposal of an Incentive-Based Crowdsensing Method Using a Cellular Network and D2D Communication
Inoue, Sozo PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S1.1 442 WorkerSense: Mobile Sensing Platform for Collecting Physiological, Mental, and Environmental State of Office Workers
Inupakutika, Devasena PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.2 647 Performance assessment of mHealth apps
Iselli, Gianluca PerAwareCity 2020: S4.3 268 Delivering IoT Smart Services through Collective Awareness, Mobile Crowdsensing and Open Data
Ishida, Shigemi PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S2.1 590 Initial Design of Two-Stage Acoustic Vehicle Detection System for High Traffic Roads
Ishihara, Susumu PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S2.2 596 A Proposal of an Incentive-Based Crowdsensing Method Using a Cellular Network and D2D Communication
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Jacobsson, Andreas PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.11 380 A Privacy-Centered System Model for Smart Connected Homes
Jaffal, Ali COMOREA 2020: S3.2 678 Machine Learning for a Context Mining Facility
Jain, Jayalakshmi PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S1.2 448 Sensor Self-Report Alignment (SSRA): Reducing Sun Exposure Assessment Error
Jaiswal, Dibyanshu HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.4 232 Multivariate Variational Mode Decomposition based approach for Blink Removal from EEG Signal
Jameel, Furqan SPT-IoT 2020: S2.2 65 Secrecy Limits of Energy Harvesting IoT Networks under Channel Imperfections
Jäntti, Riku SPT-IoT 2020: S2.2 65 Secrecy Limits of Energy Harvesting IoT Networks under Channel Imperfections
Jayaraman, Srinivasan WristSense 2020: WS1.2 9 SmartWatch as a Kinaesthetic System for Shoulder Function Assessment
Jens, Krister ARDUOUS 2020: S2.2 105 Activity Recognition using Multi-Class Classification inside an Educational Building
PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.4 511 Human-centered Information for Decision-Making Processes of Future Space Designs
Jeon, YeongJun PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.1 470 Real-Time Sleep Apnea Diagnosis Method using Wearable Device
Jiang, Yinhao SPT-IoT 2020: S2.6 89 Optimisation of Lightweight Klein Encryption Algorithm With 3 S-box
Jin, Jiong PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.6 359 A Democratically Collaborative Learning Scheme for Fog-enabled Pervasive Environments
Joseph, Joshy WristSense 2020: WS1.2 9 SmartWatch as a Kinaesthetic System for Shoulder Function Assessment
Jowkar, Ghazaleh SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S3.1 298 Quick Edge-Device Deployment for Connecting First Responders in Public Safety Networks
Jung, Im CoSDEO 2020: S1.1 559 Encouraging Data Sharing for Safe Autonomous Driving
Jurdak, Raja PerIoT 2020: Session 4.1 691 Towards Optimal Kinetic Energy Harvesting for the Batteryless IoT
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Kaghyan, Sahak PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.2 647 Performance assessment of mHealth apps
Kang, Soon Ju PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.1 470 Real-Time Sleep Apnea Diagnosis Method using Wearable Device
Kang, Tianyu DUCSAN 2020: DUCSAN Paper presentation.1 609 A Blockchain Based Architecture for IoT Data Sharing Systems
Kapoor, Viral PerAwareCity 2020: S4.2 262 Building an Open, Multi-Sensor, Dataset of Water Pollution of Ganga Basin and Application to Assess Impact of Large Religious Gatherings
Karakoc, Nurullah DUCSAN 2020: DUCSAN Paper presentation.2 615 Federated Network Utility Maximization
Kazienko, Przemysław EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S1: Session 1.1 28 Emotion Recognition Using Wearables: A Systematic Literature Review - Work-in-progress
Khalifa, Sara PerIoT 2020: Session 4.1 691 Towards Optimal Kinetic Energy Harvesting for the Batteryless IoT
Khalil, Ibrahim PerAwareCity 2020: S3.1 190 BITS: Blockchain based Intelligent Transportation System with Outlier Detection for Smart City
Khan, Naima PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.3 505 Cooking Event Detection from Temporal Thermal Condition of Residential Home
Khandelwal, Sundeep PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.1 641 Sepsis Prediction using Continuous and Categorical Features on Sporadic Data
Khokhar, Ashfaq PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.5 396 TOSNOS: To Online Shop, or Not-to Online Shop - Enabling Combined Improvements
Kim, Geunhyoung CoSDEO 2020: S1.1 559 Encouraging Data Sharing for Safe Autonomous Driving
Kirsch Pinheiro, Manuele COMOREA 2020: S3.2 678 Machine Learning for a Context Mining Facility
Kirste, Thomas ARDUOUS 2020: S2.4 117 Kitchen Task Assessment Dataset for Measuring Errors due to Cognitive Impairments
Kirthi Priya, Ponnuraj WristSense 2020: WS1.2 9 SmartWatch as a Kinaesthetic System for Shoulder Function Assessment
Kitahara, Takeshi PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.1 518 Smartphone-based Risky Traffic Situation Detection and Classification
Kitani, Tomoya PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S2.4 602 A Time Alignment Method for Multiple Sensing Systems with GNSS Timing and IMUs with Frame-Sync Input
Kjaergaard, Mikkel ARDUOUS 2020: S2.2 105 Activity Recognition using Multi-Class Classification inside an Educational Building
Kjærgaard, Mikkel PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.4 511 Human-centered Information for Decision-Making Processes of Future Space Designs
Klingert, Sonja PerAwareCity 2020: S5.1 317 Comparing Smart Cities Concepts
Kobayashi, Toru PerIoT 2020: Session 3.2 576 A NAS Integrated File System for On-site IoT Data Storage
Kobayashi, Yuki PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.4 53 Dynamic Task Offload System Adapting to the State of Network Resources in Mobile Edge Computing
Komoszyńska, Joanna EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S1: Session 1.1 28 Emotion Recognition Using Wearables: A Systematic Literature Review - Work-in-progress
Konios, Alexandros PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.3 482 Ambient and Wearable Sensor Fusion for Abnormal Behaviour Detection in Activities of Daily Living
Korfitis, Chrysovalantis HCCS 2020: Heterogeneous Social Sensing.2 177 Motion Capture of Modern Greek Verbs: Measuring aspects and relations among actions
Kostic, Zoran SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.3 157 COSMOS Smart Intersection: Edge Compute and Communications for Bird's Eye Object Tracking
Kouris, Panagiotis HCCS 2020: Heterogeneous Social Sensing.2 177 Motion Capture of Modern Greek Verbs: Measuring aspects and relations among actions
Koutitas, George SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.2 151 Invited Paper: mmMoReEdge: A mmWave Modular and Reconfigurable Testbed Design using a Smart Edge Framework
Krintz, Chandra SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S1.2 22 STOIC: Serverless TeleOperable Hybrid Cloud for Machine Learning Applications on Edge Device
Krupp, Lars COMOREA 2020: S2.3 546 A Further Step Towards Automatic Domain Modelling by Relevant Information Extraction
Kryszkiewicz, Pawel PerCom WiP 2020: Best Papers.3 335 Neuron-Inspired Communications for Energy Efficient Internet of Things Networks
Kumar, Abhishek PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S2.2 635 Trustworthy AI in the Age of Pervasive Computing and Big Data
Kumar, Saptaparni DUCSAN 2020: DUCSAN Paper presentation.3 621 LiteDoc: Make Collaborative Editing Fast, Scalable, and Robust
Kumyol, Serkan PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.4 351 MyoKey: Surface Electromyography and Inertial Motion Sensing-based Text Entry in AR
Kusy, Branislav PerIoT 2020: Session 4.1 691 Towards Optimal Kinetic Energy Harvesting for the Batteryless IoT
Kwon, Young PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.4 351 MyoKey: Surface Electromyography and Inertial Motion Sensing-based Text Entry in AR
Ltop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Lagesse, Brent PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.6 399 Privacy-Preserving Mobile Video Sharing using Fully Homomorphic Encryption
COMOREA 2020: S4.2 732 CAPP: A Context-Aware Proof of Presence for Crowdsensing Incentives
Lähderanta, Tero SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.1 144 Scaling up an Edge Server Deployment
Lai, Yuan PerAwareCity 2020: S4.1 256 Hyper-local Urban Contextual Awareness through Open Data Integration
Lam, Jonathan PerAwareCity 2020: S3.2 196 Accurate Self-Localization in Transit Stations:A Case Study
Lam, Kit Yung PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.4 351 MyoKey: Surface Electromyography and Inertial Motion Sensing-based Text Entry in AR
Lama, Palden PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.2 647 Performance assessment of mHealth apps
Lan, Guohao SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S3.3 311 Invited Paper: Edge-based Provisioning of Holographic Content for Contextual and Personalized Augmented Reality
Laso Mangas, Sergio PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.3 390 Deployment of APIs on Android Mobile Devices and Microcontrollers
Le Grand, Bénédicte COMOREA 2020: S3.2 678 Machine Learning for a Context Mining Facility
Lee, Jaewoong COMOREA 2020: S2.4 552 Modeling and Reasoning of Contexts in Smart Spaces
Lee, Lik-Hang PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.4 351 MyoKey: Surface Electromyography and Inertial Motion Sensing-based Text Entry in AR
CoSDEO 2020: I1.2 608 Invited Talk: Emerging role of Digital Assistant in Augmented Reality Driven Human-City Interaction
Leppänen, Teemu SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.1 144 Scaling up an Edge Server Deployment
Lewis, Brittany SPT-IoT 2020: S2.5 83 A New Authentication Approach for People with Upper Extremity Impairment
Li, Guangzheng HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.1 214 Capturing Human Pose Using mmWave Radar
Li, Rui PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.8 367 FengHuoLun: A Federated Learning based Edge Computing Platform for Cyber-Physical Systems
Li, Xuejun PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.5 355 Graph4Edge: A Graph-based Computation Offloading Strategy for Mobile-Edge Workflow Applications
Lia, Emilia HCCS 2020: Heterogeneous Social Sensing.1 170 Quantifying Biases in Social Media Analysis of Recreation in Urban Parks
Lin, Ching-Yi SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S3.2 304 Model Personalization for Human Activity Recognition
Linaje, Marino PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.3 390 Deployment of APIs on Android Mobile Devices and Microcontrollers
Litke, Antonis EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S2: Session 2.1 164 SmileCityReport:Emotion-aware Participatory Sensing for Smart Cities with Double-sided PhotoShooting
Liu, Huai PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.8 367 FengHuoLun: A Federated Learning based Edge Computing Platform for Cyber-Physical Systems
Liu, Jun-Xian PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.1 384 GuidingAll: A Smart Proactive iBeacon System with Crowdsourced Sensing Based on IoT Technologies
Liu, Xiao PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.5 355 Graph4Edge: A Graph-based Computation Offloading Strategy for Mobile-Edge Workflow Applications
PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.8 367 FengHuoLun: A Federated Learning based Edge Computing Platform for Cyber-Physical Systems
Liu, Yulong PerLS 2020: PerLS-S1.1 454 Embroidered Inductive Strain Sensor for Wearable Applications
Loke, Seng PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.7 363 Towards an Edge-Cloud Platform for Multirobot-Multihuman Cooperation in Urban IoT Ecosystems
Lovén, Lauri SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.1 144 Scaling up an Edge Server Deployment
Lukowicz, Paul COMOREA 2020: S2.3 546 A Further Step Towards Automatic Domain Modelling by Relevant Information Extraction
Mtop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Manduchi, Roberto PerAwareCity 2020: S3.2 196 Accurate Self-Localization in Transit Stations:A Case Study
Marculescu, Radu SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S3.2 304 Model Personalization for Human Activity Recognition
Markantonatou, Stella HCCS 2020: Heterogeneous Social Sensing.2 177 Motion Capture of Modern Greek Verbs: Measuring aspects and relations among actions
Martin, Matthew PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.5 396 TOSNOS: To Online Shop, or Not-to Online Shop - Enabling Combined Improvements
Martinez, Gonzalo WristSense 2020: WS3.2 208 Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams
WristSense 2020: WS4.1 274 On the Quality of Real-world Wearable Data in a Longitudinal Study of Information Workers
Maselli, Gaia PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S3.3 250 On Optimal Crowd-Sensing Task Management in Developing Countries
Mashhadi, Afra HCCS 2020: Heterogeneous Social Sensing.1 170 Quantifying Biases in Social Media Analysis of Recreation in Urban Parks
Maskey, Shirshak PerAwareCity 2020: S3.1 190 BITS: Blockchain based Intelligent Transportation System with Outlier Detection for Smart City
Matkovic, Viktor PerIoT 2020: Session 3.3 583 Towards Longevity of Smart Home Systems
PerCom PhD Forum 2020: PhD Forum Poster Session.5 416 Towards Enhancing Bike Navigation Safety and Experience Using Sensor Enabled Devices
Matsuda, Tetsushi PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S2.2 596 A Proposal of an Incentive-Based Crowdsensing Method Using a Cellular Network and D2D Communication
Matsuda, Yuki PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S1.1 442 WorkerSense: Mobile Sensing Platform for Collecting Physiological, Mental, and Environmental State of Office Workers
WristSense 2020: WS3.1 202 Predicting Depression and Anxiety Mood by Wrist-Worn Sleep Sensor
Matsui, Tomokazu PerLS 2020: PerLS-S1.2 460 Easy-to-Deploy Living Activity Sensing System and Data Collection in General Homes
Mattingly, Stephen WristSense 2020: WS3.2 208 Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams
WristSense 2020: WS4.1 274 On the Quality of Real-world Wearable Data in a Longitudinal Study of Information Workers
Mavilia, Fabio HCCS 2020: Heterogeneous Social Sensing.3 184 Detecting Social Interactions in Indoor Environments with the Red-HuP Algorithm
Medela, Arturo EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S2: Session 2.1 164 SmileCityReport:Emotion-aware Participatory Sensing for Smart Cities with Double-sided PhotoShooting
Meratnia, Nirvana SPT-IoT 2020: S2.3 71 Entropy as a Service: A Lightweight Random Number Generator for Decentralized IoT Applications
Metsis, Vangelis PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.2 475 Personalized Fall Detection System
Michalska, Weronika EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S1: Session 1.1 28 Emotion Recognition Using Wearables: A Systematic Literature Review - Work-in-progress
Minard, Maxwell PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.5 396 TOSNOS: To Online Shop, or Not-to Online Shop - Enabling Combined Improvements
Mirjafari, Shayan WristSense 2020: WS3.2 208 Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams
WristSense 2020: WS4.1 274 On the Quality of Real-world Wearable Data in a Longitudinal Study of Information Workers
Mirzaei, Fatemeh PerAwareCity 2020: S3.2 196 Accurate Self-Localization in Transit Stations:A Case Study
Misaki, Shinya PerLS 2020: PerLS-S1.2 460 Easy-to-Deploy Living Activity Sensing System and Data Collection in General Homes
Misra, Archan WristSense 2020: WS5.1 323 The 3rd WristSense Panel for Discussion Regarding How to Establish Objective Gold Standard Measurements for Health Constructs
Mitschang, Bernhard PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.3 347 Trustworthy, Secure, and Privacy-aware Food Monitoring Enabled by Blockchains and the IoT
Mizumoto, Teruhiro PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.3 528 Demand Collection System using LPWA for Senior Transportation with Volunteer
Mizutani, Masahide PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.3 47 Towards People Counting Using Wi-Fi CSI of Mobile Devices
Mohsen, Belal HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.2 220 A Comparison of Unidirectional and Bidirectional LSTM Networks for Human Activity Recognition
Montori, Federico PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S3.2 244 A Privacy Preserving Framework for Rewarding Users in Opportunistic Mobile Crowdsensing
PerAwareCity 2020: S4.3 268 Delivering IoT Smart Services through Collective Awareness, Mobile Crowdsensing and Open Data
Morino, Hiroaki PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.2 524 Evaluation of congestion mitigation effect at sags brought by lane change control using RVC system
Moriyama, Yumiko PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.2 499 Estimation of Walking Direction with Vibration Sensor based on Piezoelectric Device
Mormul, Mathias COMOREA 2020: S3.1 672 A Context Model for Holistic Monitoring and Management of Complex IT Environments
Morrison, Gareth PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.3 482 Ambient and Wearable Sensor Fusion for Abnormal Behaviour Detection in Activities of Daily Living
Moya Rueda, Fernando ARDUOUS 2020: S2.3 111 Annotation Performance for multi-channel time series HAR Dataset in Logistics
Mozgai, Sharon PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.8 405 The Passive Sensing Agent: A Multimodal Adaptive mHealth Application
Muehlhausen, Willie WristSense 2020: WS1.1 3 CNNs for Heart Rate Estimation and Human Activity Recognition in Wrist Worn Sensing Applications
Mukherji, Abhishek WristSense 2020: WS5.1 323 The 3rd WristSense Panel for Discussion Regarding How to Establish Objective Gold Standard Measurements for Health Constructs
PerIoT 2020: Session 5.4 744 Panel: Evolving IoT Tech Enables Aging in Place
Murakami, Tomoki PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.3 47 Towards People Counting Using Wi-Fi CSI of Mobile Devices
Murillo Rodriguez, Juan Manuel PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.3 390 Deployment of APIs on Android Mobile Devices and Microcontrollers
PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S1.1 430 Automating the Interactions among IoT Devices using Neural Networks
Mustafa, Mustafa PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.3 482 Ambient and Wearable Sensor Fusion for Abnormal Behaviour Detection in Activities of Daily Living
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Nadeem, Tamer PerCom WiP 2020: Best Papers.2 330 CONVINCE: Collaborative Cross-Camera Video Analytics at the Edge
PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.10 375 Unboxing MAC Protocol Design Optimization Using Deep Learning
Nakamura, Masahide PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.1 35 Capturing user-defined facial features for scientific evidence of elderly care
PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S1.1 2 Keynote: Affordable and Practical Home Context Recognition with "Image as a Document" Approach
Nakazawa, Jin EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S2: Session 2.1 164 SmileCityReport:Emotion-aware Participatory Sensing for Smart Cities with Double-sided PhotoShooting
Nepal, Subigya WristSense 2020: WS3.2 208 Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams
WristSense 2020: WS4.1 274 On the Quality of Real-world Wearable Data in a Longitudinal Study of Information Workers
Neubauer, Katrin CoSDEO 2020: S1.2 564 Architecture of an intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Smart Home
Ngu, Anne PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.2 475 Personalized Fall Detection System
Nguyen, Gabriel PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.6 399 Privacy-Preserving Mobile Video Sharing using Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Nguyen, Le Nguyen Ngu PerCom WiP 2020: Best Papers.1 326 Provable Consent for Voice User Interfaces
Nicklas, Daniela COMOREA 2020: S2.2 540 Towards Adaptive Sensor Data Quality Improvement based on Context Models
Niemann, Friedrich ARDUOUS 2020: S2.3 111 Annotation Performance for multi-channel time series HAR Dataset in Logistics
Nilsen, Wendy WristSense 2020: WS2.1 141 Keynote: The Future of Wearables in Health
Noronha, Hildegardo PerIoT 2020: Session 4.3 703 LoRaquatica: Studying Range and Location Estimation using LoRa and IoT in Aquatic Sensing
Nugent, Chris PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.3 482 Ambient and Wearable Sensor Fusion for Abnormal Behaviour Detection in Activities of Daily Living
Nunes, Nuno PerIoT 2020: Session 4.3 703 LoRaquatica: Studying Range and Location Estimation using LoRa and IoT in Aquatic Sensing
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Ohira, Shuji SPT-IoT 2020: S2.1 59 ID Sequence Analysis for Intrusion Detection in the CAN bus using Long Short Term Memory Networks
Okamoto, Yuki PerIoT 2020: Session 3.2 576 A NAS Integrated File System for On-site IoT Data Storage
Okoshi, Tadashi EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S2: Session 2.1 164 SmileCityReport:Emotion-aware Participatory Sensing for Smart Cities with Double-sided PhotoShooting
EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-KN: Keynote Speaker.2 142 Keynote: Digital-Wellbeing powered by IT/AI Technologies
Olsson, Carl Magnus COMOREA 2020: S3.3 685 Contextual Machine Teaching
Onishi, Kosei PerLS 2020: PerLS-S1.2 460 Easy-to-Deploy Living Activity Sensing System and Data Collection in General Homes
Ostrometzky, Jonatan SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.3 157 COSMOS Smart Intersection: Edge Compute and Communications for Bird's Eye Object Tracking
Ott, Jörg PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S2.1 628 Multimodal Co-Presence Detection with Varying Spatio-Temporal Granularity
Ptop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Pai, Rachel PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.2 475 Personalized Fall Detection System
Pal, Arpan PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.4 488 Monitoring the early physiological effects of fitness regimes using PPG signals
Pan, Haochen DUCSAN 2020: DUCSAN Paper presentation.3 621 LiteDoc: Make Collaborative Editing Fast, Scalable, and Robust
DUCSAN 2020: Tutorial: GCP.1 468 Tutorial: Google Cloud for Beginners: Architecture, Storage, and Computation
DUCSAN 2020: Tutorial: Distributed Storage.1 710 Tutorial: Deep Dive into Data-Intensive Distributed Storage: Theory, Design, and Application
PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S4.1 714 Make Multi-hop Broadcast in VANET Fast by Selecting a Better Route for Source Vehicle
Pan, Jing HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.1 214 Capturing Human Pose Using mmWave Radar
Park, B. Brian PerIoT 2020: Session 3.1 570 A Framework for Transit Monitoring System Using IoT Technology: Two Case Studies
Pasandi, Hannaneh PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.10 375 Unboxing MAC Protocol Design Optimization Using Deep Learning
PerCom WiP 2020: Best Papers.2 330 CONVINCE: Collaborative Cross-Camera Video Analytics at the Edge
Payton, Jamie HCCS 2020: Keynote: Community-Based Sensing, Activity Recognition, and Behavior Change Techniques.1 34 Keynote: Community-Based Sensing, Activity Recognition, and Behavior Change Techniques
Peltonen, Ella SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.1 144 Scaling up an Edge Server Deployment
Peng, Yang SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S1.1 16 Device-driven On-demand Deployment of Serverless Computing Functions
Perelló Nieto, Miquel ARDUOUS 2020: S2.6 129 Towards a Methodology for Acceptance Testing and Validation of Monitoring Bodyworn Devices
Pérez Zarazaga, Pablo PerCom WiP 2020: Best Papers.1 326 Provable Consent for Voice User Interfaces
Poduval, Murali PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.1 641 Sepsis Prediction using Continuous and Categorical Features on Sporadic Data
WristSense 2020: WS1.2 9 SmartWatch as a Kinaesthetic System for Shoulder Function Assessment
Polak, Adam EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S1: Session 1.1 28 Emotion Recognition Using Wearables: A Systematic Literature Review - Work-in-progress
Portmann, Marius PerIoT 2020: Session 4.1 691 Towards Optimal Kinetic Energy Harvesting for the Batteryless IoT
Provost, Matthew SPT-IoT 2020: S2.5 83 A New Authentication Approach for People with Upper Extremity Impairment
Przytarski, Dennis PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.3 347 Trustworthy, Secure, and Privacy-aware Food Monitoring Enabled by Blockchains and the IoT
Ptucha, Raymond HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.3 226 Capturing Laughter and Smiles under Genuine Amusement vs. Negative Emotion
Qtop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Qian, Chao PerIoT 2020: Session 5.3 738 An Embedded CNN Implementation for On-Device ECG Analysis
Quang, Trang SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S1.1 16 Device-driven On-demand Deployment of Serverless Computing Functions
Rtop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Radeta, Marko PerIoT 2020: Session 4.3 703 LoRaquatica: Studying Range and Location Estimation using LoRa and IoT in Aquatic Sensing
Rahman, MD Rashed PerCom PhD Forum 2020: PhD Forum Poster Session.3 412 High Throughput Mobile Visible Light Communication
Ramakrishnan, Ramesh Kumar PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.4 488 Monitoring the early physiological effects of fitness regimes using PPG signals
HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.4 232 Multivariate Variational Mode Decomposition based approach for Blink Removal from EEG Signal
Ramasamy Ramamurthy, Sreenivasan WristSense 2020: WS4.2 280 StanceScorer: A Data Driven Approach to Score Badminton Player
Ramirez, Amelie PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.2 647 Performance assessment of mHealth apps
Randhawa, Sukanya PerAwareCity 2020: S4.2 262 Building an Open, Multi-Sensor, Dataset of Water Pollution of Ganga Basin and Application to Assess Impact of Large Religious Gatherings
Rathore, Heena SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.2 151 Invited Paper: mmMoReEdge: A mmWave Modular and Reconfigurable Testbed Design using a Smart Edge Framework
Raychoudhury, Vaskar PerAwareCity 2020: S4.2 262 Building an Open, Multi-Sensor, Dataset of Water Pollution of Ganga Basin and Application to Assess Impact of Large Religious Gatherings
Reining, Christopher ARDUOUS 2020: S2.3 111 Annotation Performance for multi-channel time series HAR Dataset in Logistics
Reis, Andre PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S3.3 666 Forest Fire Monitoring Through a Network of Aerial Drones and Sensors
PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S4.2 720 GPSR-PPU: Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing with Position Prediction and Uncertainty for FANETs
Ribeiro, Miguel PerIoT 2020: Session 4.3 703 LoRaquatica: Studying Range and Location Estimation using LoRa and IoT in Aquatic Sensing
Riekki, Jukka SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.1 144 Scaling up an Edge Server Deployment
Rizvi, Syed SPT-IoT 2020: S1.1   Keynote - Secure IoT: Building Trust in IoT Devices, Data, and Networks
Rizzo, Albert PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.8 405 The Passive Sensing Agent: A Multimodal Adaptive mHealth Application
Robinson, June PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S1.2 448 Sensor Self-Report Alignment (SSRA): Reducing Sun Exposure Assessment Error
Robles-Granda, Pablo WristSense 2020: WS3.2 208 Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams
Rodrigues, André PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S3.3 666 Forest Fire Monitoring Through a Network of Aerial Drones and Sensors
PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S4.2 720 GPSR-PPU: Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing with Position Prediction and Uncertainty for FANETs
Rodriguez, Gerson PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.2 647 Performance assessment of mHealth apps
Rojo, Javier PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S1.1 430 Automating the Interactions among IoT Devices using Neural Networks
Roy, Nirmalya PerIoT 2020: Session 2.1 467 Keynote:A Cross-Domain Machine Learning Framework for Pervasive Sensing
WristSense 2020: WS4.3 286 Shoot Like Ronaldo: Predict Soccer Penalty Outcome with Wearables
PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.3 505 Cooking Event Detection from Temporal Thermal Condition of Residential Home
WristSense 2020: WS4.2 280 StanceScorer: A Data Driven Approach to Score Badminton Player
Ruha, Leena SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.1 144 Scaling up an Edge Server Deployment
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Saganowski, Stanislaw EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S1: Session 1.1 28 Emotion Recognition Using Wearables: A Systematic Literature Review - Work-in-progress
Saha, Koustuv WristSense 2020: WS3.2 208 Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams
Saiki, Sachio PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.1 35 Capturing user-defined facial features for scientific evidence of elderly care
Salman, Ahmad PerIoT 2020: Session 3.1 570 A Framework for Transit Monitoring System Using IoT Technology: Two Case Studies
PerIoT 2020: Session 5.4 744 Panel: Evolving IoT Tech Enables Aging in Place
Samant, Abhay SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.2 151 Invited Paper: mmMoReEdge: A mmWave Modular and Reconfigurable Testbed Design using a Smart Edge Framework
Sandhanam, Smruthi PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.5 396 TOSNOS: To Online Shop, or Not-to Online Shop - Enabling Combined Improvements
Sandhu, Muhammad Moid PerIoT 2020: Session 4.1 691 Towards Optimal Kinetic Energy Harvesting for the Batteryless IoT
Sano, Yuya PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.3 528 Demand Collection System using LPWA for Senior Transportation with Volunteer
Sargento, Susana PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S3.3 666 Forest Fire Monitoring Through a Network of Aerial Drones and Sensors
PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S4.2 720 GPSR-PPU: Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing with Position Prediction and Uncertainty for FANETs
Saruwatari, Shunsuke PerIoT 2020: Session 3.2 576 A NAS Integrated File System for On-site IoT Data Storage
Sasaki, Wataru EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S2: Session 2.1 164 SmileCityReport:Emotion-aware Participatory Sensing for Smart Cities with Double-sided PhotoShooting
Satake, Hayata PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.4 53 Dynamic Task Offload System Adapting to the State of Network Resources in Mobile Edge Computing
Scaglione, Anna DUCSAN 2020: DUCSAN Paper presentation.2 615 Federated Network Utility Maximization
Scargill, Timothy SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S3.3 311 Invited Paper: Edge-based Provisioning of Holographic Content for Contextual and Personalized Augmented Reality
Schiele, Gregor PerIoT 2020: Session 5.3 738 An Embedded CNN Implementation for On-Device ECG Analysis
Schneider, Jan PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.7 402 MBP: Not just an IoT Platform
Semanjski, Ivana PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.2 387 Geospatial Dashboards for Intelligent Multimodal Traffic Management
Sengupta, Shamik PerAwareCity 2020: S3.1 190 BITS: Blockchain based Intelligent Transportation System with Outlier Detection for Smart City
Seraj, Fatjon PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.2 41 e-Sight: Real-time cloud platform for visualizing edge transport infrastructure information
PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.1 493 k-SpecNET: Localization and classification of indoor superimposed sound for acoustic sensor networks
Seskar, Ivan SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.3 157 COSMOS Smart Intersection: Edge Compute and Communications for Bird's Eye Object Tracking
Sharma, Varsha PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S3.1 641 Sepsis Prediction using Continuous and Categorical Features on Sporadic Data
Shatilov, Kirill PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.4 351 MyoKey: Surface Electromyography and Inertial Motion Sensing-based Text Entry in AR
Shatnawi, Ahmed HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.2 220 A Comparison of Unidirectional and Bidirectional LSTM Networks for Human Activity Recognition
Shen, Zhishu PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.6 359 A Democratically Collaborative Learning Scheme for Fog-enabled Pervasive Environments
Shibuya, Yuuki PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.2 524 Evaluation of congestion mitigation effect at sags brought by lane change control using RVC system
Shigeno, Hiroshi PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.4 53 Dynamic Task Offload System Adapting to the State of Network Resources in Mobile Edge Computing
Shimosaka, Masamichi PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.9 371 Next Place Prediction Using GPS traces and Web Search Queries
Sieck, Noah PerIoT 2020: Session 4.2 697 Machine Vision Smart Parking Using Internet of Things (IoTs) In A Smart University
Sigg, Stephan PerCom WiP 2020: Best Papers.1 326 Provable Consent for Voice User Interfaces
CoSDEO 2020: K2.1 627 Position Talk: Ethically aligned voice user interfaces: Risks, Challenges and Opportunities
Sillanpää, Mikko SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.1 144 Scaling up an Edge Server Deployment
Simões, Daniela PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S3.3 666 Forest Fire Monitoring Through a Network of Aerial Drones and Sensors
Singh Sandha, Sandeep PerAwareCity 2020: S4.2 262 Building an Open, Multi-Sensor, Dataset of Water Pollution of Ganga Basin and Application to Assess Impact of Large Religious Gatherings
Singhal, Shivam WristSense 2020: WS4.4 292 AiRite: Towards Accurate & Infrastructure-Free 3-D Tracking of Smart Devices
Sionti, Marietta HCCS 2020: Heterogeneous Social Sensing.2 177 Motion Capture of Modern Greek Verbs: Measuring aspects and relations among actions
Smeaton, Alan WristSense 2020: WS1.1 3 CNNs for Heart Rate Estimation and Human Activity Recognition in Wrist Worn Sensing Applications
Șonea, Andreea PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S3.1 238 Smart Vehicular Routing Based on Crowdsensed Data Using Dynamic Traffic Light Control
Souveyet, Carine COMOREA 2020: S3.2 678 Machine Learning for a Context Mining Facility
Srinivasan, Seshadhri SPT-IoT 2020: S2.7 94 A Proof of Concept Denial of Service Attack Against Bluetooth IoT Devices
Srivastava, Biplav PerAwareCity 2020: S4.2 262 Building an Open, Multi-Sensor, Dataset of Water Pollution of Ganga Basin and Application to Assess Impact of Large Religious Gatherings
Stach, Christoph COMOREA 2020: S3.1 672 A Context Model for Holistic Monitoring and Management of Complex IT Environments
PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.3 347 Trustworthy, Secure, and Privacy-aware Food Monitoring Enabled by Blockchains and the IoT
Stanger, Travis PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.5 396 TOSNOS: To Online Shop, or Not-to Online Shop - Enabling Combined Improvements
Starke, Allen PerCom PhD Forum 2020: PhD Forum Poster Session.11 428 Load Balanced Controller Association in Wireless Distributed SDNs
Steuer, Simon COMOREA 2020: S2.2 540 Towards Adaptive Sensor Data Quality Improvement based on Context Models
Striegel, Aaron WristSense 2020: WS4.1 274 On the Quality of Real-world Wearable Data in a Longitudinal Study of Information Workers
WristSense 2020: WS3.2 208 Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams
Stump, Tammy PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S1.2 448 Sensor Self-Report Alignment (SSRA): Reducing Sun Exposure Assessment Error
Suciu, George PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S3.1 238 Smart Vehicular Routing Based on Crowdsensed Data Using Dynamic Traffic Light Control
Sugata, Yuito PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.3 528 Demand Collection System using LPWA for Senior Transportation with Volunteer
Sun, Min PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S3.1 654 A Deadline-Aware Offloading Scheme for Vehicular Fog Computing at Signalized Intersection
Suwa, Hirohiko PerLS 2020: PerLS-S1.2 460 Easy-to-Deploy Living Activity Sensing System and Data Collection in General Homes
PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.2 499 Estimation of Walking Direction with Vibration Sensor based on Piezoelectric Device
PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.3 528 Demand Collection System using LPWA for Senior Transportation with Volunteer
ARDUOUS 2020: S1-KN1.1 1 Keynote: Issues of annotations in designing ubiquitous applications
Suzuki, Masaki PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.1 518 Smartphone-based Risky Traffic Situation Detection and Classification
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Tagashira, Shigeaki PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S2.1 590 Initial Design of Two-Stage Acoustic Vehicle Detection System for High Traffic Roads
Takagi, Hironobu PerIoT 2020: Session 5.4 744 Panel: Evolving IoT Tech Enables Aging in Place
Tani, Ryotaro PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.4 53 Dynamic Task Offload System Adapting to the State of Network Resources in Mobile Edge Computing
Tani, Yuri PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S1.1 442 WorkerSense: Mobile Sensing Platform for Collecting Physiological, Mental, and Environmental State of Office Workers
WristSense 2020: WS3.1 202 Predicting Depression and Anxiety Mood by Wrist-Worn Sleep Sensor
Tarkoma, Sasu PerCrowd 2020: PerCrowd-S2.2 635 Trustworthy AI in the Age of Pervasive Computing and Big Data
Tavares Frigo, Matheus PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.7 402 MBP: Not just an IoT Platform
Tekeoglu, Ali SPT-IoT 2020: S2.7 94 A Proof of Concept Denial of Service Attack Against Bluetooth IoT Devices
ten Hompel, Michael ARDUOUS 2020: S2.3 111 Annotation Performance for multi-channel time series HAR Dataset in Logistics
Thangavel, Ajay WristSense 2020: WS1.2 9 SmartWatch as a Kinaesthetic System for Shoulder Function Assessment
Thiel, Pablo HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.3 226 Capturing Laughter and Smiles under Genuine Amusement vs. Negative Emotion
Thomaz, Edison ARDUOUS 2020: S2.5 123 Activiome: A System for Annotating First-Person Photos and Multimodal Activity Sensor Data
ARDUOUS 2020: S2.1 100 Usability of a Hands-Free Voice Input Interface for Ecological Momentary Assessment
Tonkin, Emma ARDUOUS 2020: S2.6 129 Towards a Methodology for Acceptance Testing and Validation of Monitoring Bodyworn Devices
ARDUOUS 2020: S5.1 325 Panel session: Building a community for sharing annotation activities, methods, and outcomes
ARDUOUS 2020: S1-KN2.1 15 Keynote: Privacy and Security in Real-World Data Annotation
Trajcevski, Goce PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.5 396 TOSNOS: To Online Shop, or Not-to Online Shop - Enabling Combined Improvements
Tseng, Lewis PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S4.1 714 Make Multi-hop Broadcast in VANET Fast by Selecting a Better Route for Source Vehicle
DUCSAN 2020: DUCSAN Paper presentation.3 621 LiteDoc: Make Collaborative Editing Fast, Scalable, and Robust
DUCSAN 2020: Tutorial: GCP.1 468 Tutorial: Google Cloud for Beginners: Architecture, Storage, and Computation
DUCSAN 2020: Tutorial: Distributed Storage.1 710 Tutorial: Deep Dive into Data-Intensive Distributed Storage: Theory, Design, and Application
Tsubouchi, Kota PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.9 371 Next Place Prediction Using GPS traces and Web Search Queries
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Übelmesser, Lukas PerAwareCity 2020: S5.1 317 Comparing Smart Cities Concepts
Uchino, Masato PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S2.1 590 Initial Design of Two-Stage Acoustic Vehicle Detection System for High Traffic Roads
Uchiyama, Akira PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.1 518 Smartphone-based Risky Traffic Situation Detection and Classification
PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.3 47 Towards People Counting Using Wi-Fi CSI of Mobile Devices
Ujma, Michał EmotionAware 2020: EmotionAware-S1: Session 1.1 28 Emotion Recognition Using Wearables: A Systematic Literature Review - Work-in-progress
Ullah, Ikram SPT-IoT 2020: S2.3 71 Entropy as a Service: A Lightweight Random Number Generator for Decentralized IoT Applications
Ulusal, Seda PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.7 402 MBP: Not just an IoT Platform
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Vafeas, Antonis ARDUOUS 2020: S2.6 129 Towards a Methodology for Acceptance Testing and Validation of Monitoring Bodyworn Devices
Van Gheluwe, Casper PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.2 387 Geospatial Dashboards for Intelligent Multimodal Traffic Management
Vasconcelos, Dinarte PerIoT 2020: Session 4.3 703 LoRaquatica: Studying Range and Location Estimation using LoRa and IoT in Aquatic Sensing
Venkatasubramanian, Krishna Kumar SPT-IoT 2020: S2.5 83 A New Authentication Approach for People with Upper Extremity Impairment
Viraraghavan, Venkata PerHealth 2020: PerHealth-S2.4 488 Monitoring the early physiological effects of fitness regimes using PPG signals
HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.4 232 Multivariate Variational Mode Decomposition based approach for Blink Removal from EEG Signal
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Waltereit, Marian PerIoT 2020: Session 3.3 583 Towards Longevity of Smart Home Systems
Wang, Kevin PerCom Demos 2020: Demo Session.6 399 Privacy-Preserving Mobile Video Sharing using Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Wang, Miao PerLS 2020: PerLS-S1.1 454 Embroidered Inductive Strain Sensor for Wearable Applications
Wang, Roger DUCSAN 2020: DUCSAN Paper presentation.3 621 LiteDoc: Make Collaborative Editing Fast, Scalable, and Robust
Wang, Wei PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.1 493 k-SpecNET: Localization and classification of indoor superimposed sound for acoustic sensor networks
Wang, Zhu COMOREA 2020: S4.1 726 RaCon: A Gesture Recognition Approach via Doppler Radar for Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction
Ward, Tomas WristSense 2020: WS1.1 3 CNNs for Heart Rate Estimation and Human Activity Recognition in Wrist Worn Sensing Applications
Watanabe, Takashi PerIoT 2020: Session 3.2 576 A NAS Integrated File System for On-site IoT Data Storage
Weber, Gerald PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.2 343 Wasmachine: Bring IoT up to Speed with A WebAssembly OS
PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.1 339 SwiftPad: Exploring WYSIWYG TEX Editing on Electronic Paper
Weis, Torben PerIoT 2020: Session 3.3 583 Towards Longevity of Smart Home Systems
Wen, Elliott PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.2 343 Wasmachine: Bring IoT up to Speed with A WebAssembly OS
PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.1 339 SwiftPad: Exploring WYSIWYG TEX Editing on Electronic Paper
Winder, Samantha HCCS 2020: Heterogeneous Social Sensing.1 170 Quantifying Biases in Social Media Analysis of Recreation in Urban Parks
Wolski, Rich SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S1.2 22 STOIC: Serverless TeleOperable Hybrid Cloud for Machine Learning Applications on Edge Device
Wood, Spencer HCCS 2020: Heterogeneous Social Sensing.1 170 Quantifying Biases in Social Media Analysis of Recreation in Urban Parks
Wu, Yingjian DUCSAN 2020: Tutorial: GCP.1 468 Tutorial: Google Cloud for Beginners: Architecture, Storage, and Computation
DUCSAN 2020: Tutorial: Distributed Storage.1 710 Tutorial: Deep Dive into Data-Intensive Distributed Storage: Theory, Design, and Application
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Xia, BingYi PerLS 2020: PerLS-S1.1 454 Embroidered Inductive Strain Sensor for Wearable Applications
Xu, Jia PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.5 355 Graph4Edge: A Graph-based Computation Offloading Strategy for Mobile-Edge Workflow Applications
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Yamaguchi, Hirozumi PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.1 518 Smartphone-based Risky Traffic Situation Detection and Classification
PerAwareCity 2020: S2.1 143 Keynote: Situational Awareness Platform for City Transportation
Yang, Beichen PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S3.1 654 A Deadline-Aware Offloading Scheme for Vehicular Fog Computing at Signalized Intersection
Yang, Hanmei HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.1 214 Capturing Human Pose Using mmWave Radar
Yang, Shiyun SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.3 157 COSMOS Smart Intersection: Edge Compute and Communications for Bird's Eye Object Tracking
Yang, Zhengye SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.3 157 COSMOS Smart Intersection: Edge Compute and Communications for Bird's Eye Object Tracking
Yasuda, Kiyoshi PerFlow 2020: PerFlow-S2.1 35 Capturing user-defined facial features for scientific evidence of elderly care
Yasumoto, Keiichi PerLS 2020: PerLS-S1.2 460 Easy-to-Deploy Living Activity Sensing System and Data Collection in General Homes
PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.2 499 Estimation of Walking Direction with Vibration Sensor based on Piezoelectric Device
PerVehicle 2020: PerVehicle-S1.3 528 Demand Collection System using LPWA for Senior Transportation with Volunteer
WristSense 2020: WS3.1 202 Predicting Depression and Anxiety Mood by Wrist-Worn Sleep Sensor
Yau, Yui-Pan PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.4 351 MyoKey: Surface Electromyography and Inertial Motion Sensing-based Text Entry in AR
Ye, Terry PerLS 2020: PerLS-S1.1 454 Embroidered Inductive Strain Sensor for Wearable Applications
Yordanova, Kristina ARDUOUS 2020: S5.1 325 Panel session: Building a community for sharing annotation activities, methods, and outcomes
ARDUOUS 2020: S2.7 135 Towards Automated Generation of Semantic Annotation for Activity Recognition Problems
ARDUOUS 2020: S2.4 117 Kitchen Task Assessment Dataset for Measuring Errors due to Cognitive Impairments
Yoshida, Makoto PerLS 2020: PerLS-S2.2 499 Estimation of Walking Direction with Vibration Sensor based on Piezoelectric Device
Young, Jessica WristSense 2020: WS3.2 208 Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams
Yu, Mengxia PerLS 2020: PerLS-S1.1 454 Embroidered Inductive Strain Sensor for Wearable Applications
Yu, Zhiwen COMOREA 2020: S4.1 726 RaCon: A Gesture Recognition Approach via Doppler Radar for Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction
Yuan, Dong PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.5 355 Graph4Edge: A Graph-based Computation Offloading Strategy for Mobile-Edge Workflow Applications
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Zdankin, Peter PerIoT 2020: Session 3.3 583 Towards Longevity of Smart Home Systems
PerCom PhD Forum 2020: PhD Forum Poster Session.4 414 Longevity of Smart Homes
Zhang, Chong PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.8 367 FengHuoLun: A Federated Learning based Edge Computing Platform for Cyber-Physical Systems
Zhang, Dong COMOREA 2020: S4.1 726 RaCon: A Gesture Recognition Approach via Doppler Radar for Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction
Zhang, Jin HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.1 214 Capturing Human Pose Using mmWave Radar
Zhang, Kaijie COMOREA 2020: S4.1 726 RaCon: A Gesture Recognition Approach via Doppler Radar for Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction
Zhang, Michael SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S1.2 22 STOIC: Serverless TeleOperable Hybrid Cloud for Machine Learning Applications on Edge Device
Zhang, Tiehua PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.6 359 A Democratically Collaborative Learning Scheme for Fog-enabled Pervasive Environments
Zhang, Yunfan SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S3.3 311 Invited Paper: Edge-based Provisioning of Holographic Content for Contextual and Personalized Augmented Reality
Zhang, Ze HCCS 2020: Human sensing for activity recognition.1 214 Capturing Human Pose Using mmWave Radar
Zheng, Xi CoSDEO 2020: I2.1 709 Invited Talk: Software Engineering, AI and autonomous vehicles: Security assurance
PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.6 359 A Democratically Collaborative Learning Scheme for Fog-enabled Pervasive Environments
PerCom WiP 2020: One-Minute Madness.8 367 FengHuoLun: A Federated Learning based Edge Computing Platform for Cyber-Physical Systems
Zia, Tanveer SPT-IoT 2020: S2.6 89 Optimisation of Lightweight Klein Encryption Algorithm With 3 S-box
Zussman, Gil SmartEdge 2020: SmartEdge'20-S2.3 157 COSMOS Smart Intersection: Edge Compute and Communications for Bird's Eye Object Tracking