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HCCS 2020: 2nd Workshop on Human-Centered Computational Sensing - Program

Welcome and Committees

See the welcome message from the organizers.

  2nd Workshop on Human-Centered Computational Sensing

Monday, March 23

9:45 am-10:00 am Welcome and opening remarks
10:00 am-11:00 am Keynote: Community-Based Sensing, Activity Recognition, and Behavior Change Techniques
11:00 am-12:00 pm Heterogeneous Social Sensing
1:30 pm-3:00 pm Human sensing for activity recognition
3:00 pm-3:30 pm Afternoon Break
3:30 pm-4:30 pm Wrap-up Discussion and Concluding Remarks

Monday, March 23

Monday, March 23 10:00 - 11:00

Keynote: Community-Based Sensing, Activity Recognition, and Behavior Change Techniquesgo to top

Chair: Franca Delmastro (IIT-CNR, Italy)

Monday, March 23 11:00 - 12:00

Heterogeneous Social Sensinggo to top

Chair: Reynold Bailey (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Quantifying Biases in Social Media Analysis of Recreation in Urban Parks
Afra Mashhadi (University of Washington Bothell, USA); Samantha Winder, Emilia Lia and Spencer Wood (University of Washington, USA)
Motion Capture of Modern Greek Verbs: Measuring aspects and relations among actions
Panagiotis Kouris (Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athena RIC & National Technical University of Athens, Greece); Marietta Sionti, Chrysovalantis Korfitis and Stella Markantonatou (Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athena RIC, Greece)
Detecting Social Interactions in Indoor Environments with the Red-HuP Algorithm
Paolo Barsocchi (ISTI-CNR, Italy); Antonino Crivello (Institute of Information Science and Technologies - CNR, Italy); Michele Girolami (ISTI-CNR, Italy); Fabio Mavilia (CNR-ISTI, Italy)

Monday, March 23 1:30 - 3:00

Human sensing for activity recognitiongo to top

Chair: Michele Girolami (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
Capturing Human Pose Using mmWave Radar
Guangzheng Li, Ze Zhang, Hanmei Yang, Jing Pan and Dayin Chen (Southern University of Science and Technology, China); Jin Zhang (South University of Science and Technology of China, China)
A Comparison of Unidirectional and Bidirectional LSTM Networks for Human Activity Recognition
Luay Alawneh and Belal Mohsen (Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan); Mohammad Al-Zinati (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan); Ahmed Shatnawi (Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan); Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan)
Capturing Laughter and Smiles under Genuine Amusement vs. Negative Emotion
Cleo Forman, Pablo Thiel and Raymond Ptucha (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA); Miguel Dominguez (Harris RF Communications & Rochester Institute of Technology, USA); Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Multivariate Variational Mode Decomposition based approach for Blink Removal from EEG Signal
Rahul Gavas (Tata Consultancy Services, India); Dibyanshu Jaiswal (TCS Research and Innovation, India); Debatri Chatterjee (TCS Innovation Lab, India); Venkata Viraraghavan (Tata Consultancy Services, India); Ramesh Kumar Ramakrishnan (TATA Consultancy Services, India)

Monday, March 23 3:00 - 3:30

Afternoon Breakgo to top

Monday, March 23 3:30 - 4:30

Wrap-up Discussion and Concluding Remarksgo to top

Chairs: Reynold Bailey (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA), Franca Delmastro (IIT-CNR, Italy), Michele Girolami (ISTI-CNR, Italy)