Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences, , An Online Spatio-statistical Analysis System for Assessing Indigenous Housing and Health Environments 2017, $32,000
ARC LIEF LE160100174, Urban Analytics Data Infrastructure, 2016-2017, $805,000
UQ Centre for Coal Seam Gas, 3D Water Chemistry Atlas Project, Phase 2, 2015-2016, $621,156
ARC Discovery Indigenous IN140100033, Defining the Impact of Regionalism on Aboriginal Housing and Settlements, Go-Sam, Moran, Memmott, Hunter, 2014-2016, $530,000
ARC LIEF LE140100151, Federated Archeological Information Management System (FAIMS), 2014-2015, $400,000
US Office of Secretary of Defence, SBIR Grant, Semantic Technologies for Materials Design and Development, 2014-2015, $150,000
UQ Centre for Coal Seam Gas, 3D Water Chemistry Atlas Project, Phase 1, 2013-2014, $215,486
Microsoft Research, Accelerating the Extraction and Correlation of GBR Monitoring Data from Satellite Imagery and Citizen Scientists Observations, 2013-2014, $50,000
NeCTAR (National eResearch Collaborative Tools and Resources)
Humanities Networked Information (HuNI) Virtual Laboratory, 2012-2013, $1.33 million
OzTrack - eResearch Tools for animal telemetry data, 2012-2013, $610,375
Aust-ESE - eResearch Tools for the Electronic Scholarly Editing Community, 2012-2013, $619,650
AURIN, ABS Federated Data Hub, 2013-2014, $327,176
AURIN, eResearch Tools for Analysing Spatial Social Science data, 2012-2014, $295,000
ARC Linkage LP110100237, Architectural Practice in Post-War Queensland - Building and Interpreting an Oral History Archive, 2011-2013, $380,000
ARC LIEF LE100100079, eResearch Infrastructure for Humanities Scholars, 2010, $520,000
ARC Linkage LP100100156, Skeletome - A Curated Online Knowledge Base Integrating Clinical and Biological Information on Skeletal Dysplasias, 2010-2012, $273,000
Microsoft Research Asia e-Heritage project on Semantic Annotation of 3D Models of Indigenous Artefacts, 2009-2010 $30,000
UQ Major Equipment & Infrastructure (MEI), A 3D Laser Scanner for Collaborative Cultural Heritage and Anthropological Research, 2009, $96,960
Andrew W Mellon Foundation, Open Annotation Collaboration
Phase I, 2009-2010, $US362,000
Phase II, 2011-2012, $US673,942
Phase III, 2012-2013, $US170,000
Smart State National & International Research Alliances Program (NIRAP), Health-e-Waterways collaboration with Microsoft Research and South East Qld Healthy Waterways Partnership, 2008-2011, $1.45 mill
ARC Linkage LP0883309, The Twentieth Century in Paint � e-Humanities project developing cyber-infrastucture for art curators, 2008-2012, $544,202
ARC Linkage LP0882957, Data Enhancement, Access and Integration for Adaptive Whole-of-Water Cycle Management, 2008-2010, $270,643
ARC Discovery DP0770465, Macrophage proteins: structure, function and e science, 2007-2011, $1,462mill
ARC LIEF LE0775716, Infrastructure for a Spatially Integrated Social Science e-Research Facility, 2007, $150,000