Professional Involvement
Tapan Saha is currently Vice Chair of the IEEE Queensland Section PES Chapter (2020).
Tapan Saha was the IEEE Australia Council Chair in 2015-2016. Tapan Saha was the Chair of the IEEE Queensland Section (2013-2014 & 2005-06).
He was the Power & Energy Society Chapter Chair of the IEEE Queensland Section during 2010-2011. He was the Vice Chair and Secretary of the IEEE Queensland Section in� 2004-05 and 1997 respectively. In 1998 he was the Web Master of the IEEE Queensland Section. Till 2003 he was the University of Queensland IEEE Students Counsellor. Please visit the IEEE homepage if you want to explore the current IEEE activities. If you want to join as a Member or as a Student Member, please contact Prof. Saha or apply online through the IEEE homepage.
�EEE HKN Mu Kappa Chapter was established at the University of Queensland on 1st March 2017. This is the first HKN Chapter in Australia and 247th in the world. Tapan Saha has established this Honours Society and is the Faculty Adviser of this Honour Society since 2017.
Engineers Australia
Tapan Saha� has been in the Queensland Electrical Branch of Engineers Australia committee for many years. He was the Chair of Queensland Electrical Branch of Engineers Australia during 2012. Prior to that, he was the Vice Chair for three years and committee member for several years. Tapan has been an Elected Electrical College Board from 2015-2020.
Tapan Saha is actively involved with CIGRE. Presently he is working as a committee member in two of the Australian Panels, namely A2 (Transformer) and D1. Please visit the CIGRE homepages if you want to get more information about the CIGRE Head Quarter and International activities, or if you want to get more information about the CIGRE Australian activities.
Tapan Saha is actively involved with the Australian Power Institute activities. He has been actively promoting power engineering education and research through API and related forums.
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