Book Chapters by Ian Hayes

[1] Eban Escott, Paul Strooper, Paul King, and Ian Hayes. Model-driven web form validation with UML and OCL. In Andreas Harth and Nora Koch, editors, Current Trends in Web Engineering, volume 7059 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 223--235. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2012. [bib| http| Abstract]
[2] IanJ. Hayes. Dynamically detecting faults via integrity constraints. In Michael Butler, Cliff Jones, Alexander Romanovsky, and Elena Troubitsyna, editors, Methods, Models, and Tools for Fault Tolerance, volume 5454 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 85--103. Springer Verlag, 2009. [bib| Abstract]
[3] R.Colvin, L.Groves, I.J. Hayes, D.Hemer, R.Nickson, and P.A. Strooper. Developing logic programs from specifications using stepwise refinement. In Maurice Bruynooghe and Kung-Kiu Lau, editors, Program Development in Computational Logic: A Decade of Research Advances in Logic-Based Program Development, volume 3049 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 66--89. Springer Verlag, 2004. [bib| Abstract]
[4] I.J. Hayes. A predicative semantics for real-time refinement. In A.McIver and C.C. Morgan, editors, Programming Methodology, pages 109--133. Springer, 2003. [bib| Abstract]
[5] I.J. Hayes and C.B. Jones. Specifications are not (necessarily) executable. In J.P. Bowen and M.G. Hinchey, editors, High-Integrity System Specification and Design, pages 563--581. Springer, 1999. (Previously published in IEE/BCS Software Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 6, 330--338, November, 1989). [bib]
[6] I.J. Hayes. CICS message system. In I.J. Hayes, editor, Specification Case Studies, pages 238--243. Prentice Hall International, second edition, 1993. [bib]
[7] I.J. Hayes. CICS temporary storage. In I.J. Hayes, editor, Specification Case Studies, pages 226--237. Prentice Hall International, second edition, 1993. [bib]
[8] I.J. Hayes. Applying formal specification to software development in industry. In I.J. Hayes, editor, Specification Case Studies, pages 181--201. Prentice Hall International, second edition, 1993. (Previously published in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering [?]). [bib]
[9] I.J. Hayes. Flexitime specification. In I.J. Hayes, editor, Specification Case Studies, pages 134--138. Prentice Hall International, second edition, 1993. [bib]
[10] I.J. Hayes. Block-structured symbol table. In I.J. Hayes, editor, Specification Case Studies, pages 14--30. Prentice Hall International, second edition, 1993. [bib]
[11] I.J. Hayes. Examples of specification using mathematics. In I.J. Hayes, editor, Specification Case Studies, pages 2--13. Prentice Hall International, second edition, 1993. [bib]
[12] I.J. Hayes. Applying formal specification to software development in industry. In RichardH. Thayer and Merlin Dorfman, editors, System and Software Requirements Engineering, pages 594--603. IEEE Computer Society Press Tutorial, 1990. (Previously published in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering [?]). [bib]

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