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@incollection{MDWFVwUaO, tag = {springerlink:10.1007/978-3-642-27997-3_23}, author = {Escott, Eban and Strooper, Paul and King, Paul and Hayes, Ian}, affiliation = {School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia}, title = {Model-Driven Web Form Validation with {UML} and {OCL}}, booktitle = {Current Trends in Web Engineering}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor = {Harth, Andreas and Koch, Nora}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-642-27996-6}, keyword = {Computer Science}, pages = {223-235}, volume = {7059}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27997-3\_23}, for = {080309 (Software Engineering)}, seo = {890299 (Computer Software and Services not elsewhere classified)}, project = {LP0989363 BTLink}, abstract = {Form validation is an integral part of a web application. Web developers must ensure that data input by the user is validated for correctness. Given the importance of form validation it must be considered as part of a model-driven solution to web development. Existing model-driven approaches typically have not addressed form validation as part of the model. In this paper, we present an approach that allows validation constraints to be captured within a model using UML and OCL. Our approach covers three common types of validation: single element, multiple element, and entity association. We provide an example to illustrate an architecture-centric approach.}, year = {2012} }
@incollection{DDFvIC, author = {Ian J. Hayes}, title = {Dynamically Detecting Faults via Integrity Constraints}, booktitle = {Methods, Models, and Tools for Fault Tolerance}, editor = {Michael Butler and Cliff Jones and Alexander Romanovsky and Elena Troubitsyna}, volume = {5454}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, isbn = {978-3-642-00866-5}, issn = {0302-9743}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages = {85--103}, abstract = {Control programs for safety-critical systems are required to tolerate faults in the devices they control. In this paper we examine a systematic approach to devising code to detect faulty devices at runtime. The approach is centred around the use of integrity constraints, which are invariants on the state of a system's variables, including its inputs and outputs. Under normal operation integrity constraints should always hold, but they are designed to fail to hold if there is a fault. By adding variables to capture the previous state of variables or the time of significant events, additional integrity constraints can be devised to check for faults in state transitions or faults with the rate of progress of the system. We discuss techniques for devising integrity constraints as well as efficiently evaluating the constraints. When an error is detected via the failure of an integrity constraint, the integrity constraint(s) that failed can help diagnose the likely fault. We illustrate the approach using controller software written in the action system style, but it is equally applicable to other state machine approaches such as Event-B and TLA.}, for = {080309 (Software Engineering)}, seo = {890299 (Computer Software and Services not elsewhere classified)}, xrfcd = {280302 (Software Engineering)}, xseo = {700199 (Computer Software and Services n.e.c.)}, project = {DP0987452 TFTR/DP0558408 FTRT}, year = {2009} }
@incollection{DLPfSUSR, author = {R. Colvin and L. Groves and I.J. Hayes and D. Hemer and R. Nickson and P.A. Strooper}, title = {Developing Logic Programs from Specifications Using Stepwise Refinement}, booktitle = {Program Development in Computational Logic: A Decade of Research Advances in Logic-Based Program Development}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {3049}, editor = {Bruynooghe, Maurice and Lau, Kung-Kiu}, isbn = {3-540-22152-2}, issn = {0302-9743}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, city = {Berlin}, pages = {66--89}, totalchap = {15}, rfcd = {280302 (Software Engineering)}, seo = {700199 (Computer Software and Services n.e.c.)}, project = {A49937007 RefLP}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In this paper we demonstrate a refinement calculus for logic programs, which is a framework for developing logic programs from specifications. The paper is written in a tutorial-style, using a running example to illustrate how the refinement calculus is used to develop logic programs. The paper also presents an overview of some of the advanced features of the calculus, including the introduction of higher-order procedures and the refinement of abstract data types.} }
@incollection{APSfRTR, author = {I. J. Hayes}, title = {A Predicative Semantics for Real-Time Refinement}, booktitle = {Programming Methodology}, editor = {A. McIver and C. C. Morgan}, publisher = {Springer}, city = {New York}, pages = {109--133}, isbn = {0-387-95349-3}, totalchap = {20}, rfcd = {280302 (Software Engineering)}, seo = {700199 (Computer Software and Services n.e.c.)}, svrctr = {01-15}, project = {DP0209722 CRTR/A49801500 HertZ}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Real-time systems play an important role in many safety-critical systems. Hence it is essential to have a formal basis for the development of real-time software. In this chapter we present a predicative semantics for a real-time language. The semantics includes a special variable representing the current time, and uses timed traces to present the values of external input and outputs over time so that reactive control systems can be handled. Because a real-time control system may be a nonterminating process, we allow the specification of nonterminating programs and the development of nonterminating repetitions. } }
@incollection{SaNNE99, author = {I. J. Hayes and C. B. Jones}, title = {Specifications are not (necessarily) executable}, booktitle = {High-Integrity System Specification and Design}, editor = {J. P. Bowen and M. G. Hinchey}, isbn = {3-540-76226-4}, note = {(Previously published in {\em IEE/BCS Software Engineering Journal}, Vol.\ 4, No.\ 6, 330--338, November, 1989)}, pages = {563--581}, publisher = {Springer}, city = {London}, project = {A49801500 HertZ}, year = {1999} }
@incollection{SCS2-eg, author = {I. J. Hayes}, booktitle = {Specification Case Studies}, edition = {second}, editor = {I. J. Hayes}, pages = {2--13}, publisher = {Prentice Hall International}, title = {Examples of specification using mathematics}, year = {1993} }
@incollection{SCS2-bst, author = {I. J. Hayes}, booktitle = {Specification Case Studies}, edition = {second}, editor = {I. J. Hayes}, pages = {14--30}, publisher = {Prentice Hall International}, title = {Block-structured symbol table}, year = {1993} }
@incollection{SCS2-flexi, author = {I. J. Hayes}, booktitle = {Specification Case Studies}, edition = {second}, editor = {I. J. Hayes}, pages = {134--138}, publisher = {Prentice Hall International}, title = {Flexitime specification}, year = {1993} }
@incollection{SCS2-cics, author = {I. J. Hayes}, booktitle = {Specification Case Studies}, edition = {second}, editor = {I. J. Hayes}, note = {(Previously published in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering \cite{Hayes85a})}, pages = {181--201}, publisher = {Prentice Hall International}, title = {Applying formal specification to software development in industry}, year = {1993} }
@incollection{SCS2-ts, author = {I. J. Hayes}, booktitle = {Specification Case Studies}, edition = {second}, editor = {I. J. Hayes}, pages = {226--237}, publisher = {Prentice Hall International}, title = {{CICS} temporary storage}, year = {1993} }
@incollection{SCS2-mess, author = {I. J. Hayes}, booktitle = {Specification Case Studies}, edition = {second}, editor = {I. J. Hayes}, pages = {238--243}, publisher = {Prentice Hall International}, title = {{CICS} message system}, year = {1993} }
@incollection{Hayes90e, author = {I. J. Hayes}, booktitle = {System and Software Requirements Engineering}, editor = {Richard H. Thayer and Merlin Dorfman}, note = {(Previously published in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering \cite{Hayes85a})}, annote = {This paper was selected for inclusion in the tutorial by the editors}, pages = {594--603}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press Tutorial}, title = {Applying Formal Specification to Software Development in Industry}, year = 1990 }
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Last updated: Wed 8 Jan 2025 09:14:48 AEST