[1] | IanJ. Hayes, CliffB. Jones, and RobertJ. Colvin. Laws and semantics for rely-guarantee refinement. Technical Report CS-TR-1425, School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, July 2014. Superseded by [?] and other papers. 66 pages. [bib| Abstract] |
[2] | IanJ. Hayes, CliffB. Jones, and RobertJ. Colvin. Reasoning about concurrent programs: Refining rely-guarantee thinking. Technical Report CS-TR-1395, School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, September 2013. Superseded by CS-TR-1425. 66 pages. [bib| Abstract] |
[3] | I.J. Hayes, A.Burns, B.Dongol, and C.B. Jones. Comparing models of nondeterministic expression evaluation. Technical Report CS-TR-1273, School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, September 2011. [bib| Abstract] |
[4] | Alan Burns, Kun Wei, Jim Woodcock, IanJ. Hayes, and CliffB. Jones. Timebands framework -- 2011. Technical Report YCS-2011-467, Department of Computer Science, University of York, 2011. 36 pages. [bib| Abstract] |
[5] | R.Colvin and I.J. Hayes. A semantics for behavior trees. ACCS Technical Report ACCS-TR-07-01, ARC Centre for Complex Systems (ACCS), April 2007. [bib| http] |
[6] | Brijesh Dongol and IanJ. Hayes. Trace semantics for the Owicki-Gries theory integrated with the progress logic from unity. Technical Report SSE-2007-02, Division of Systems and Software Engineering Research, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, 2007. [bib] |
[7] | Phil Cook, Jim Welsh, and IanJ. Hayes. Incremental semantic evaluation for interactive systems: Inertia, pre-emption, and relations. Technical Report SSE-2005-01, Division of Systems and Software Engineering Research, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, 2005. [bib] |
[8] | Phil Cook, Jim Welsh, and IanJ. Hayes. Building a flexible incremental compiler back-end. Technical Report SSE-2005-02, Division of Systems and Software Engineering Research, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, 2005. [bib] |
[9] | A.Burns, I.J. Hayes, G.Baxter, and C.J. Fidge. Modelling temporal behaviour in complex socio-technical systems. Technical Report YCS390, University of York, 2005. [bib| .html| .pdf] |
[10] | IanJ. Hayes. Block-structured (attribute) grammars. Technical Report 02-47, Software Verification Research Centre, The University of Queensland, December 2002. [bib| Abstract] |
[11] | Phil Cook, Jim Welsh, and IanJ. Hayes. Incremental context-sensitive evaluation in context. Technical Report 02-11, Software Verification Research Centre, The University of Queensland, 2002. [bib] |
[12] | I.J. Hayes, R.Nickson, P.Strooper, and R.Colvin. A declarative semantics for logic program refinement. Technical Report 00-30, Software Verification Research Centre, The University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia, November 2000. [bib| Abstract] |
[13] | Report ofthe Computer Science Action LearningGroup. Improving the quality of tutorial classes in computer science. Technical Report UQ-CS-322, Department of Computer Science, University of Queensland, 1995. [bib] |
[14] | I.J. Hayes, C.B. Jones, and J.E. Nicholls. Understanding the differences between VDM and Z. Technical report UMCS-93-8-1, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, August 1993. [bib| .ps] |
[15] | I.J. Hayes. Specifying physical limitations: A case study of an oscilloscope. Technical report 167, Department of Computer Science, University of Queensland, July 1990. [bib| .ps] |
[16] | R.Duke, I.J. Hayes, and G.A. Rose. Verification of a cyclic retransmission protocol. Technical Report UQ-CS-92, Department of Computer Science, The University of Queensland, July 1988. [bib] |
[17] | I.J. Hayes, R.Neucom, and J.Welsh. An editor for Z specifications. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, University of Queensland, 1988. [bib] |
[18] | I.J. Hayes and K.A. Robinson. A Modula-2-based translator generator. Technical report 84, Department of Computer Science, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 1987. [bib] |
[19] | I.J. Hayes and K.A. Robinson. A tutorial on Llama: A Pascal-based translator generator. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 1982. [bib] |
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